

viceroy of Yemen
also spelled  Abreha 
flourished 6th century AD

      Ethiopian Christian viceroy of Yemen in southern Arabia.

      Abraha was viceroy of the principality of Sabaʾ in Yemen for the (Christian) emperors of Ethiopia. A zealous Christian himself, he is said to have built a great church at Sanaa and to have repaired the principal irrigation dam at the Sabaean capital of Maʾrib. Abraha is chiefly famous, however, for the military expedition that he led northward against the city of Mecca in the same year as Muhammad's birth, about 570. Though it was supported by elephants, the expedition failed, and Muslims believe that Mecca escaped capture only through a miracle. Abraha's rule ended in 575 when the Persian Sāsānians invaded the region and brought the Sabaean kingdom to an end.

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