

Sanskrit  Abhiṣeka  

      (“sprinkling”), in esoteric Buddhism, a purificatory or initiatory rite in which a candidate is sprinkled with water or other liquid, signifying a change in status.

      Originally, abhiseka was an integral part of the ancient Indian royal consecration rite. Water from the four oceans was poured out of golden jars onto the head of the seated monarch during his accession ceremony and also during the investiture ceremony of his heir apparent. In Tantric, or esoteric, Buddhism, the abhiseka rite is a necessary prelude to initiation into mystical teaching or rites. Four classes of abhiseka are known, each of them associated with one of the four Tantras (teachings) suitable to four groups of people with progressively superior levels of sensibility. They are the master consecration, secret consecration, knowledge of prajna (“wisdom”), and the fourth consecration.

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