Abduh, Muḥammadʿ

Abduh, Muḥammadʿ

Egyptian scholar and jurist
born 1849, Nile Delta area, Egypt
died July 11, 1905, near Alexandria

      religious scholar, jurist, and liberal reformer, who led the late 19th-century movement in Egypt and other Muslim countries to revitalize Islāmic teachings and institutions in the modern world. As muftī (Islāmic legal counsellor) for Egypt (from 1899), he effected reforms in Islāmic law, administration, and higher education and, although resisted by conservatives, broke the rigidity of Muslim ritual, dogma, and family ties. His writings include theTreatise on the Oneness of Godand a commentary on the Qurʾān.

      ʿAbduh attended the mosque school in Ṭanṭā and subsequently al-Azhar University in Cairo, receiving the degree of ʿālim (scholar) from the latter in 1877. After an early infatuation with mysticism, in 1872 he fell under the influence of Jamāl ad-Dīn al-Afghānī, the revolutionary pan-Islāmic preacher of Persian origin who had settled in Cairo and who stimulated ʿAbduh's interest in theology, philosophy, and politics. In punishment for political activity, Afghānī was expelled from Egypt in 1879 and ʿAbduh was exiled to his village, but the next year ʿAbduh's fortunes changed. He became editor of the government's official gazette, which he made a platform for preaching resistance to Anglo-French political encroachment and the need for social and religious reform. He was implicated in ʿUrābī Pasha's rebellion against foreign control in 1882 and, following the British military occupation of Egypt, was exiled. Rejoining Afghānī in Paris for several months in 1884, ʿAbduh helped his mentor publish the revolutionary journal al-ʿUrwat alwuthqā (“The Firmest Bond”), which was smuggled to Egypt, India, and elsewhere. After brief visits to England and Tunisia, ʿAbduh settled for three years in Beirut and taught in an Islāmic college there.

      In 1888 ʿAbduh was permitted to return to Egypt, where he began a judicial career that spanned the rest of his life. He was appointed a judge in the National Courts of First Instance, then in 1891 at the Court of Appeal; in 1899, with British help, he became muftī of Egypt. In the latter post he effected several reforms in the administration of Islāmic law and of religious endowments. He also issued advisory opinions to private petitioners, including such controversially liberal judgments as the permissibility of eating meat slaughtered by Christian and Jewish butchers and of accepting interest paid on loans. ʿAbduh also lectured at al-Azhar and, against much conservative opposition, induced reforms in the administration and curriculum of that ancient institution. He established a benevolent society that operated schools for poor children. He served on the Legislative Council, preaching political cooperation with Britain and a long-term effort to bring about legal and educational reforms in Egypt; these views, differing markedly from those he had espoused earlier in life under Afghānī's influence, earned him the approval of Lord Cromer, the British Resident, but also the hostility of the khedive (ruling prince) ʿAbbās Ḥilmī and of the nationalist leader Muṣtafā Kāmil. Late in life ʿAbduh learned French and pursued an interest in European thought.

      In addition to his numerous articles in the official gazette and al-Urwat al-wuthqā, ʿAbduh's most important writings included Risālat at-tawḥīd (“Treatise on the Oneness of God”); a polemic on the superiority of Islām to Christianity in its inherent receptivity to science and civilization; and a fragmentary commentary on the Qurʾān, completed after his death by a disciple. In theology ʿAbduh sought to establish the harmony of reason and revelation, the freedom of the will, and the primacy of the ethical implications of religious faith over ritual and dogma. He deplored the blind acceptance of traditional doctrines and customs and asserted that a return to the pristine faith of the earliest age of Islām not only would restore the Muslims' spiritual vitality but would provide an enlightened criterion for the assimilation of modern scientific culture.

      In matters of Islāmic law, which governed Muslim family relationships, ritual duties, and personal conduct, ʿAbduh tried to break through the rigidities of scholastic interpretation and to promote considerations of equity, welfare, and common sense, even if this occasionally meant disregarding the literal texts of the Qurʾān. From his death to the present day, ʿAbduh has been widely revered as the chief architect of the modern reformation of Islām.

Malcolm H. Kerr

Additional Reading
Charles C. Adams, Islam and Modernism in Egypt: A Study of the Modern Reform Movement Inaugurated by Muḥammad ʿAbduh (1933, reprinted 1968), is a classic work that deals at length with Rashīd Riḍā and other followers of ʿAbduh. A substantial analysis of ʿAbduh's thought and legacy is found in Malcolm H. Kerr, Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal Theories of Muḥammad ʿAbduh and Rashīd Riḍā (1966). Elie Kedourie, Afghani and ʿAbduh (1966), portrays ʿAbduh as a clandestine religious and political subversive.

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