Mas Canosa, Jorge

Mas Canosa, Jorge

      Cuban exile leader (b. Sept. 21, 1939, Santiago de Cubad. Nov. 23, 1997, Miami, Fla.), headed an anti-Castro organization that became one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States. The son of an officer in the Cuban army, Mas was an early opponent of the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista and was arrested at the age of 14 for his role in an anti-Batista radio broadcast. Sent by his father to study in the United States, Mas returned to Cuba in 1959, shortly after Fidel Castro gained power. His initial admiration for Castro soon turned to disenchantment, however, and Mas was again implicated in antigovernment activities. He fled in 1960 to the U.S., where he trained with the exile force that undertook the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, although he did not take part in the operation. Following a stint in the U.S. Army, Mas worked in a variety of jobs while devoting much of his time to the anti-Castro cause. By the 1970s he was the owner of a telecommunications company and was on his way to becoming one of the wealthiest Hispanic businessmen in the U.S. After turning away from advocating a violent overthrow of Castro, Mas concentrated on political advocacy, forming the Cuban-American National Foundation, a powerful and wealthy lobbying group that had considerable influence over politicians from both parties. He was also instrumental in founding Radio Marti, the U.S. government-financed station broadcasting to Cuba, and in promoting legislation that tightened the economic embargo on Cuba.

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Universalium. 2010.

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