weapons system

weapons system
Any integrated system for the control and operation of a specific type of weaponry.

Weapons are usually divided into two categories, strategic and tactical. Strategic weapons strike at the seat of an enemy's military, economic, and political power, targeting cities, factories, military bases, transportation and communications networks, and seats of government. Most nuclear weapons are part of strategic weapons systems. Tactical weapons are designed instead for offensive or defensive use at relatively short range
for example, guided missiles intended as antiaircraft and antitank weapons, or other weapons used in aerial and naval combat.

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      any integrated system, usually computerized, for the control and operation of weapons of a particular kind. Intercontinental ballistic missiles, long-range bombers, and antiballistic missiles are the weaponry of the strategic weapons system (q.v.). Guided missiles operating at shorter range, e.g., anti-aircraft or battlefield weapons and air-to-air or air-to-surface attack-type missiles, constitute a tactical weapons system (q.v.).

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