
Lay devotee of the Buddha.

Originally the term applied to followers of the Buddha who were not ordained as bhiksus; today it is normally applied, mainly in Southeast Asia, to pious individuals who visit the local monastery on the weekly holy days and who undertake special vows. They support the sangha with regular offerings and observe the five precepts expected of all Buddhists: to abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and using intoxicants.

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Sanskrit“servant” feminine  Upasika  

      lay devotee of the Gautama Buddha. The term correctly refers to any Buddhist who is not a member of a monastic order, but its modern usage in Southeast Asia more often connotes the particularly pious person who visits the local monastery on the weekly holy days and who undertakes special vows.

      Since its beginnings in India, Buddhism has accepted both men and women of any race, social class, or caste. All that is required of believers is the simple affirmation of the Triratna (“Threefold Refuge”), composed of the Buddha, the dharma (teachings), and the sangha (community of believers). The Buddhist layperson may observe, in addition, any combination of the five precepts (not to kill, steal, commit sexual misconduct, lie, or take intoxicants) and to support the monastic community by giving alms.

      The Theravada (“Way of the Elders”) Buddhist tradition of Southeast Asia distinguishes between the religious paths of the layperson and the monk; achievement of nirvana (spiritual emancipation) is normally considered possible only if a devotee renounces worldly life and joins a monastic order. The Mahayana (“Greater Vehicle”) tradition of Tibet and East Asia, however, recognizes several celebrated masters who at the same time have been married householders.

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Universalium. 2010.

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