trickster tale

trickster tale
In oral traditions worldwide, a story of deceit, magic, and violence perpetrated by a mythical animal-human (trickster).

The trickster-hero is both creator god and innocent fool, evil destroyer and childlike prankster. Coyote, the trickster of tales from American Indian peoples in California and the Southwest, is one of the most widely known. In the Pacific Northwest, the trickster is Raven. Many African peoples also have tales about tricksters (hare, spider, tortoise, etc.), which slaves brought to the New World. Tales involving the trickster Brer Rabbit were given literary form by Joel Chandler Harris.

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      in oral traditions worldwide, a story featuring a protagonist (often an anthropomorphized animal) who has magical powers and is characterized as a compendium of opposites. Simultaneously an omniscient creator and an innocent fool, a malicious destroyer and a childlike prankster, the trickster-hero serves as a sort of folkloric scapegoat onto which are projected the fears, failures, and unattained ideals of the source culture.

      Trickster stories may be told for amusement as well as on serious or sacred occasions. Depending on the context, either a single tale or a series of interrelated stories might be told. The typical tale recounts a picaresque adventure: the trickster isgoing along,” encounters a situation to which he responds with knavery, stupidity, gluttony, or guile (or, most often, some combination of these), and meets a violent or ludicrous end. Often the trickster serves as a transformer and culture hero who creates order out of chaos. He may teach humans the skills of survival, such as how to make fire, procreate, or catch or raise food, usually through negative examples that end with his utter failure to accomplish these tasks. Frequently he is accompanied by a companion who either serves as a stooge or ultimately tricks the trickster.

      Before the 20th century the scholarly collection, examination, and comparison of tricksters and their tales concentrated upon those of North American Indian (Native American) groups. Coyote is possibly the most widely known indigenous North American trickster; his tales are told by California (California Indian), Southwest (Southwest Indian), Plateau (Plateau Indian), and Plains Indians (Plains Indian). For Northwest Coast Indians (Northwest Coast Indian), the trickster is Raven (see Raven cycle), Mink, or Blue Jay, while Spider fills the role in many Southwest Indian tales. Wisakedjak, anglicized to Whiskey Jack, is the trickster-hero for many Northeast Indians (Northeast Indian), as is Nanabozho, the Hare, who in the Southeast is called Rabbit.

      North American trickster motifs generally combine moral lessons with humour. Examples include the false bridegroom, whose boasting exposes him as an impostor; the eye juggler, who plays ball with his eyes and finally loses them; contests between creatures with inimitable skills, as when Beaver invites Porcupine to swim and Porcupine invites Beaver to climb; and cases where guile ill-serves its perpetrator, as when Coyote tricks Skunk and eats him but neglects to anticipate the digestive effects of this scheme. Many indigenous North American trickster figures have been portrayed, or their influences depicted, in contemporary Native American literature by such writers as Paula Gunn Allen (Allen, Paula Gunn), Louise Erdrich (Erdrich, Louise), and N. Scott Momaday (Momaday, N. Scott).

      As with other forms of culture, trickster tales are apt to develop and evolve when differing societies interact. One such case occurred during the colonial period in North America, as Hare (or Rabbit) was a common trickster in Africa as well as in the New World. Over time, as Native Americans and enslaved Africans met and exchanged elements of culture, their separate Hare traditions produced a new trickster, Brer Rabbit. The Brer Rabbit tales share many features of traditional African trickster stories: the trickster is an underdog, smaller in stature and strength than his opponents (thus gaining the audience's sympathy) but much cleverer and always well in control of the situation. However, African trickster tales usually centre upon a particular victim, such as Hyena, Lion, or Elephant, while Brer Rabbit tales, like their Native American counterparts, tend to revisit the same cast of characters repeatedly. In African tales the trickster's prey is usually earnest, hardworking, and slow-witted and soon yields to the smooth arguments and attractive promises of his opponent; in contrast, it is usually Brer Rabbit's opponents who instigate conflict, forcing him to rely upon his charm, speed, diminutive size, and guilecharacteristics that save him from trouble in some cases only to ensnare him in difficulty in others.

      While Hare is a common trickster of northern, eastern, and southern Africa, the trickster of West Africa is Spider (Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone) or Tortoise (the Igbo and Yoruba people of Nigeria). Many African cultures also have tales about human tricksters (e.g., the stories of Yo in Benin). In African traditions, particularly those involving the spider Anansi, the trickster often appears as a mythological figure and a rival of the sky god, tricking the god in one way or another. In this function Anansi shows some similarity with the Yoruba trickster god Eshu, who constantly opposes the other gods and thwarts their intentions.

 The trickster-tale genre of folklore appears in some form in every culture, and many examples are available. The Chaco people of Colombia and Panama tell tales of Fox; like Coyote, he is always bested. In the Amazon the trickster's dual nature is embodied by the Twins: one brother whose tricks always end badly and another who builds order and harmony from the ensuing chaos. Numerous Oceanian tales recount the creative exploits of the trickster Maui, or Maui-tiki-tiki, as when he caught the first land like a fish and pulled it from the sea. The Australian Aborigine trickster Bamapana is known for his vulgar language, lustful behaviour, and delight in discord. Japan's Kitsune is a trickster fox renowned for his mischievous metamorphic abilities. He is regarded in Shintō lore as the messenger who ensures that farmers pay their offerings to the rice god; Buddhist stories, however, cast the fox as an evil agent of possession. European tricksters include Aesop's (Aesop) wily Fox, the shape-shifting Norse god Loki, and the German prankster-peasant Till Eulenspiegel (Eulenspiegel, Till).

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