solid-state device

solid-state device
Electronic device that operates on the basis of the electric, magnetic, or optical properties of a solid material, especially one that uses a solid crystal in which an orderly three-dimensional arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules is repeated throughout the entire crystal.

Synthetic crystals of elements such as silicon, gallium arsenide, and germanium are used in transistors, rectifiers, and integrated circuits. The first solid-state device was the "cat's whisker" (1906), in which a fine wire was moved across a solid crystal to detect a radio signal. See also semiconductor.

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      electronic device in which electricity flows through solid semiconductor crystals ( silicon, gallium arsenide, germanium) rather than through vacuum tubes. The first solid-state device was thecat's whisker” (1906), in which a fine wire was moved across a solid crystal to detect a radio signal. Transistors (transistor), made of one or more semiconductors, are at the heart of modern solid-state devices; in the case of integrated circuits (integrated circuit), millions of transistors can be involved. See also electronics.

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Universalium. 2010.

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