sidereal period

sidereal period
Time required for a celestial body in the solar system to complete one revolution with respect to the fixed stars (as observed from a fixed point outside the system).

A planet's sidereal period can be calculated from its synodic period. The sidereal period of the Moon or an artificial satellite of Earth is the time it takes to return to the same position against the background of stars. See also day.

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      the time required for a celestial body within the solar system to complete one revolution with respect to the fixed starsi.e., as observed from some fixed point outside the system. The sidereal period of a planet can be calculated if its synodic period (the time for it to return to the same position relative to the Sun and Earth) is known; the sidereal period of the Moon or an artificial satellite of Earth is the time needed for it to return to the same position against the background of stars. See also synodic period.

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Universalium. 2010.

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