scroll painting

scroll painting
Art form practiced primarily in the Far East.

The two dominant types are the Chinese landscape scroll and the Japanese narrative scroll. China's greatest contribution to the history of painting, the landscape hand scroll, reached its greatest period in the 10th11th century with such masters as Xu Daoning and Fan Kuan. The Japanese scroll paintings of the 12th13th century developed the storytelling potential of painting to its greatest extent. In the earliest, Murasaki Shikibu's literary masterpiece The Tale of Genji, the narrative is told in pictures alternating with text. Eventually the illustration stood nearly alone. Typical subjects were the stories and biographies popular during Japan's Middle Ages.

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      art form practiced primarily in East Asia. The two dominant types may be illustrated by the Chinese landscape scroll, which is that culture's greatest contribution to the history of painting, and the Japanese narrative scroll, which developed the storytelling potential of painting.

 The earliestillustrativeChinese scrolls, forerunners of the narrative type, date from the late 4th century AD and teach Buddhist moral lessons. The continuous scroll form was fully developed by the 7th century. Such a scroll is opened from right to left and viewed on a table. The landscape hand scroll ( makimono), a pictorial rather than narrative form, reached its greatest period in the 10th and 11th centuries with masters such as Xu Daoning and Fan Kuan. The viewer becomes a traveler in these paintings, which offer the experience of moving through space and time. There is frequent depiction of roads or paths that seem to lead the viewer's eye into the work.

      Only about 2 feet (0.6 metre) of such a scroll should be viewed at one time or the spirit of the work is violated. One problem faced by the artists was a need for multiple vanishing points in generating a sense of perspective, since the imaginary viewer was assumed not to be stationary. They solved this in a variety of ways, causing one perspective point to fade unnoticed into the next.

      Nearly contemporary with the Chinese panoramic landscapes are the Japanese emakimono (emaki), scroll paintings of the 12th and 13th centuries. These are long horizontal scrolls, 1015 inches (2538 cm) wide and up to 30 feet (9 metres) long. This painting tradition is called Yamato-e, or Japanese painting, to distinguish it from Japanese work in the Chinese manner. In the earliest example of this form, The Tale of Genji, Japan's great literary masterpiece, is shown in pictures alternating with text. Eventually the illustration in such works stood nearly alone, and typical subjects were the stories and biographies popular during Japan's Middle Ages. The Japanese taste for sensation and drama finds vivid expression in these scrolls. The buildings pictured in them are frequently without roofs, so that intimate interior scenes can be shown, and backgrounds are tilted forward so as to pack more incident into a smaller space.

      During the renaissance of Chinese tradition that followed this period, an alcove intended for a picture or flower arrangement, the tokonoma, was introduced. Paintings were made vertical instead of horizontal in order to fit this space. These hanging kakemono, with their static compositions and contemplative themes, are more in the nature of Western paintings.

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