
Event in men's gymnastics in which a pair of rubber-coated metal rings suspended from a ceiling or crossbar are used to perform hanging, swinging, and balancing feats.

The rings themselves must remain essentially stationary. There must be at least two handstands in an exercise, one attained by strength and the other utilizing body swing. Strength movements on the rings include the iron cross (holding the body vertical with the arms fully stretched sideways) and the lever (hanging with straight arms with the body stretched out horizontally).

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also called  still rings  
  gymnastics apparatus consisting of two small circles that are suspended by straps from an overhead support and grasped by the gymnast while performing various exercises. They were invented in the early 19th century by the German Friedrich Jahn (Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig), known as the father of gymnastics. Competition on the rings requires the most strength of any gymnastics event, although since the 1960s the trend in this exclusively male competition has been toward a style of performance that emphasizes swinging, somewhat diminishing the demand of strength. The rings have been part of the gymnastics program in the Olympic Games since its modern revival in 1896.

      Made of wood or metal, the rings are 28 mm (1.1 inches) thick and have an inside diameter of 18 cm (7.1 inches). They are suspended by straps mounted 5.75 metres (18.8 feet) above the floor, the rings themselves hanging 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) above the floor and 50 cm (19.7 inches) apart.

      Competitive exercise on the rings must be performed with the rings in a stationary position (without swinging or pendulum movement of the rings). It combines swinging movements of the body, strength, and holding of positions. There must be at least two handstands in an exercise, one attained by strength and the other utilizing swing. Typical strength movements on the rings include the cross, or iron cross (holding the body vertical with the arms fully stretched sideways), and the lever (hanging with straight arms with the body stretched out horizontally).

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