rhesus monkey

rhesus monkey
Sand-coloured macaque (Macaca mulatta), widespread in South and Southeast Asian forests.

Rhesus monkeys are 1725 in. (4364 cm) long, excluding the furry 812-in. (2030-cm) tail, and weigh 1024 lb (4.511 kg). They eat fruits, seeds, roots, herbs, and insects. They are held sacred in some parts of India. Hardy in captivity, highly intelligent, and lively, they make good pets when young but may become bad-tempered as adults. They have been used frequently in medical research. The determination of the Rh (from rhesus) factor in human blood involves reaction with the blood of this species. See also Rh blood-group system.

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).

Rapho/Photo Researchers

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 sand-coloured primate native to forests but also found coexisting with humans in northern India, Nepal, eastern and southern China, and northern Southeast Asia. The rhesus monkey is the best-known species of macaque and measures about 4764 cm (1925 inches) long, excluding the furry 2030-cm tail. Females average about 8.5 kg (19 pounds) and males 11 kg. In both sexes the rump and legs are orange.

      Rhesus monkeys (monkey) can thrive in a variety of climates and habitats. Their natural diet consists of fruits, seeds, roots, herbs, and insects, but, in areas of human habitation, they also eat crops and search through garbage for food. Rhesus monkeys live in groups consisting of several adults of both sexes and their young; males leave the troop at maturity, whereas females tend to stay in the troops in which they were born. Because the rhesus monkey is held sacred in some parts of India and is the object of tolerant affection on the part of many Brahmans (Brahman), it is especially common around temples. Here groups may number 50 to 200 or more, whereas in forests 12 to 20 is usual.

      Hardy in captivity, the rhesus monkey is a highly intelligent, lively animal that is docile when young but may become bad-tempered as an adult. It has also been an important experimental animal for medical and psychological research. The determination of the Rh (from rhesus) factor (Rh blood group system) in human blood involves reaction with the blood of this monkey, and a rhesus was the first monkey to be rocketed into the stratosphere. The rhesus monkey and other macaques are classified in the family Cercopithecidae (the Old World monkeys).

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