
Among the Votyak and Zyryan peoples of Russia, a sacred grove, usually consisting of fir trees, where sacrifices were performed.

Enclosed by a high fence, the lud contained a place for a fire and tables for the sacrificial meal. It was forbidden to break even a branch from a tree in the grove, which was watched over by a hereditary guardian. The annual sacrificial rite generally centered on an ancient tree dedicated to a deity. All food had to be consumed at the site, and the hides of sacrificed animals were hung from the trees. Groves were sacred in most other Finno-Ugric religions as well.

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religious shrine
      among the Votyaks and Zyryans, a sacred grove where sacrifices (sacrifice) were performed. The lud, surrounded by a high board or log fence, generally consisted of a grove of fir trees, a place for a fire, and tables for the sacrificial meal. People were forbidden to break even a branch from the trees within the enclosure, which was watched over by a special guardian whose position was hereditary. In some areas women and children were banned from the grove altogether. The sacrificial ceremonies performed annually in the groves were usually centred on some ancient tree dedicated to a deity. The grove was so sacred that no unseemly behaviour was allowed in its vicinity, and those with legitimate business at the enclosure had to bathe before entering it. Each family had its own lud, and, in addition, there were great luds at which the entire clan met for sacrificial feasts. All food had to be consumed on the premises, and the hides of the sacrificed animals were hung on the trees.

      Similar sacrificial groves existed among most of the Finno-Ugrian peoples. In the keremet of the Mordvins, sacrifices were made both upward to the sun or downward to the night. In groves of deciduous trees the high gods were worshiped, whereas the lower spirits lived in the fir groves. In the Cheremis keremet only the native language could be spoken because the deities would have been offended by foreign speech. Some of the groves were specifically dedicated to heroic ancestors, and carved images were reported present in the groves by the earliest travelers to the area.

      The Finnish hiisi and Estonian hiis were apparently comparable groves, though little information exists on actual sacrifices or other ceremonies in them. In Ingria sacred groves were still in use during the latter part of the 19th century, where prayers and offerings were directed to Ukko, a thunder god, and Sämpsä, a god of vegetation.

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