
Chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen (H2) and another element or a compound, usually in the presence of a catalyst.

It may involve adding hydrogen at the sites of double or triple bonds (see bonding) to make them single bonds (i.e., to saturate an unsaturated compound; see saturation), or to aromatic compounds to make them cyclic hydrocarbons. Edible oils with unsaturated fatty acids are liquid at room temperature; food manufacturers use hydrogenation to convert a fraction to saturated fatty acids to make the product more solid. A second type of hydrogenation involves breaking up a compound (hydrogenolysis, or destructive hydrogenation) and is of great importance in the petroleum industry. Numerous processes in gasoline and petrochemical manufacturing are based on it.

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      chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen and an element or compound, ordinarily in the presence of a catalyst. The reaction may be one in which hydrogen simply adds to a double or triple bond connecting two atoms in the structure of the molecule or one in which the addition of hydrogen results in dissociation (breaking up) of the molecule (called hydrogenolysis, or destructive hydrogenation). Typical hydrogenation reactions include the reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen to form ammonia and the reaction of hydrogen and carbon monoxide to form methanol or hydrocarbons, depending on the choice of catalyst.

      Nearly all organic compounds containing multiple bonds connecting two atoms can react with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. The hydrogenation of organic compounds (through addition and hydrogenolysis) is a reaction of great industrial importance. The addition of hydrogen is used in the production of edible fats from liquid oils. In the petroleum (petroleum refining) industry, numerous processes involved in the manufacture of gasoline and petrochemical products are based on the destructive hydrogenation of hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon). In the late 20th century the production of liquid fuels by hydrogenation of coal (coal mining) has become an attractive alternative to the extraction of petroleum. The industrial importance of the hydrogenation process dates from 1897, when the French chemist Paul Sabatier (Sabatier, Paul) discovered that the introduction of a trace of nickel as a catalyst facilitated the addition of hydrogen to molecules of carbon compounds.

      The catalysts most commonly used for hydrogenation reactions are the metals nickel, platinum, and palladium and their oxides. For high-pressure hydrogenations, copper chromite and nickel supported on kieselguhr (loose or porous diatomite) are extensively used.

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