holistic medicine

holistic medicine
Doctrine of prevention and treatment that emphasizes looking at the whole person
body, mind, emotions, and environment
rather than a single function or organ.

It promotes use of a wide range of health practices and therapies, including acupuncture, homeopathy, and nutrition, stressing "self-care" with traditional commonsense essentials. In the extreme, it may accord equal validity to a wide range of health-care approaches, some incompatible and not all scientific. It does not ignore mainstream Western medical practices but does not see them as the only effective therapies. See also alternative medicine.

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      a doctrine of preventive and therapeutic medicine that emphasizes the necessity of looking at the whole personhis body, mind, emotions, and environmentrather than at an isolated function or organ and which promotes the use of a wide range of health practices and therapies. It has especially come to stress responsibility forself-healing,” orself-care,” by observing the traditional commonsense essentials of exercise, healthful diet, adequate sleep, good air, moderation in personal habits, and so forth.

      The term holistic medicine became especially fashionable in the late 20th century (the International Association of Holistic Health Practitioners was founded in 1970, assuming its current holistic name in 1981). In its underlying philosophy, in emphasizing the provision of whole care to a person or patient, holistic medicine is not new, being inseparable from any traditional health care of good quality. Holistic medicine in extreme instances, however, has tended to equate the validity of a wide range of schools or approaches to health care, not all of them compatible and some of them competitive, some scientific and some unscientific. Although mainstream Western medical practices are not ignored, they are seen as only one part of the available therapies and by no means the only effective ones. Congresses and conferences on holistic health have thus drawn not only representatives of medical schools and institutions but also advocates of such widely varying concepts as acupuncture, alternative childbirth, astrology, biofeedback, chiropractic, faith healing, graphology, homeopathy, macrobiotics, megavitamin therapy, naturopathy, numerology, nutrition, osteopathy, psychocalisthenics, psychotherapy, self-massage, shiatsu (or acupressure), touch encounter, and yoga.

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