fission-track dating

fission-track dating
Method of determining the age of a mineral that utilizes the damage done by the spontaneous fission of uranium-238, the most abundant isotope of uranium.

The fission results in radiation damage, or fission tracks, that can be made visible by preferential leaching (removal of material by solution) of the host substance with a suitable chemical reagent; the leaching process allows the etched fission-track pits to be viewed and counted under a microscope. The amount of uranium present can be determined by irradiation that produces thermal fission of uranium-235, which produces another population of tracks, related to the uranium concentration of the mineral. Thus, the ratio of naturally produced, spontaneous fission tracks to induced fission tracks is a measure of the age of the sample. See also dating.

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      method of age determination that makes use of the damage done by the spontaneous fission of uranium-238 (uranium), the most abundant isotope of uranium. The fission process results in the release of several hundred million electron volts of energy and produces a large amount of radiation damage before its energy is fully absorbed. The damage, or fission tracks, can be made visible by the preferential leaching (removal of material by solution) of the host substance with a suitable chemical reagent; the leaching process allows the etched fission-track pits to be viewed and counted under an ordinary optical microscope. The amount of uranium present can be determined by irradiation to produce thermal fission of uranium-235, which produces another population of tracks, these related to the uranium concentration of the mineral. Thus, the ratio of naturally produced, spontaneous fission tracks to neutron-induced fission tracks is a measure of the age of the sample.

      A wide variety of minerals have been fission-track dated, as have natural and artificial glasses. Fission-track dating has been used for very old samples (e.g., meteorites) and also for the dating of very young specimens (e.g., artifacts from archaeological sites). Compare radiation-damage dating. (radiation-damage dating)

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Universalium. 2010.

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