fiscal policy

fiscal policy
Measures employed by governments to stabilize the economy, specifically by adjusting the levels and allocations of taxes and government expenditures.

When the economy is sluggish, the government may cut taxes, leaving taxpayers with extra cash to spend and thereby increasing levels of consumption. An increase in public-works spending may likewise pump cash into the economy, having an expansionary effect. Conversely, a decrease in government spending or an increase in taxes tends to cause the economy to contract. Fiscal policy is often used in tandem with monetary policy. Until the 1930s, fiscal policy aimed at maintaining a balanced budget; since then it has been used "countercyclically," as recommended by John Maynard Keynes, to offset the cycle of expansion and contraction in the economy. Fiscal policy is more effective at stimulating a flagging economy than at cooling an inflationary one, partly because spending cuts and tax increases are unpopular and partly because of the work of economic stabilizers. See also business cycle.

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      measures employed by governments to stabilize the economy, specifically by manipulating the levels and allocations of taxes and government expenditures. Fiscal measures are frequently used in tandem with monetary policy (q.v.) to achieve certain goals.

      The usual goals of both fiscal and monetary policy are to achieve or maintain full employment, to achieve or maintain a high rate of economic growth, and to stabilize prices and wages. The establishment of these ends as proper goals of governmental economic policy and the development of tools with which to achieve them are products of the 20th century.

      In taxes (taxation) and expenditures, fiscal policy has for its field of action matters that are within government's immediate control. The consequences of such actions are generally predictable: a decrease in personal taxation, for example, will lead to an increase in consumption, which will in turn have a stimulating effect on the economy. Similarly, a reduction in the tax burden on the corporate sector will stimulate investment. Steps taken to increase government spending by public works have a similar expansionary effect. Conversely, a reduction in government expenditure or an increase in tax revenues, without compensatory action, has the effect of contracting the economy.

      Fiscal policy relates to decisions that determine whether a government will spend more or less than it receives. Until Great Britain's unemployment crisis of the 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s, it was generally held that the appropriate fiscal policy for the government was to maintain a balanced budget. The severity of these disturbances gave rise to a new set of ideas, first given formal treatment by the economist John Maynard Keynes (Keynes, John Maynard), revolving around the notion that fiscal policy should be usedcountercyclically,” that is, that the government should exercise its economic influence to offset the cycle of expansion and contraction in the economy. Keynes's rule, briefly, was that the budget should be in deficit (deficit financing) when the economy was experiencing low levels of activity and in surplus when boom conditions (often accompanied by high inflation) were in force.

      Under the balanced-budget regime, personal and business tax rates were raised during periods of declining economic activity to ensure that government revenues were not reduced. The effect of this was to reduce consumption still further, increase surplus industrial capacity, and depress investment, all of which exerted a downward pressure on the economy. Alternatively, if, in order to maintain a balanced budget, taxes remained level but government expenditures were cut back during such a period of declining economic activity, a similar downward pressure was exerted. The Keynesian theory showed that, under certain conditions, the operation of market forces would not automatically generate full employment, and that governments should abandon the balanced-budget concept and adopt active measures to stimulate the economy. Furthermore, to be really effective, these measures should be financed by government borrowing rather than by raising taxes or by cutting other government expenditures. Initial experiments with this new stabilizing technique in the United States during the first term (193337) of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration were somewhat disappointing, partly because the amount of deficit financing was not large enough and partly, perhaps, because the expectations of business had been dulled to such an extent by the Great Depression that it was slow to respond to opportunities. With the advent of World War II and soaring government spending, the unemployment problem in the United States virtually disappeared.

      In the postwar period the use of fiscal policy changed somewhat. The problem was no longer massive unemployment but a persistent tendency to inflation against a backdrop of fairly rapid economic growth punctuated by short periods of shallow recession.

      Since the days of Keynes, fiscal policy has been refined to smooth these cyclical movements. As a counterinflationary tool it has not been particularly effective, partly because of political constraints and partly because of the so-called automatic stabilizers at work. The political constraints arise from the fact that politicians have found it unpopular to raise taxes and cut government expenditure when the economy becomes overheated. The automatic stabilizers in the economy inhibited the use of discretionary fiscal policy. For example, during a recession personal incomes will be shrinking, but, owing to the highly progressive tax system (i.e., tax rates that rise disproportionately on higher incomes), the loss of purchasing power of the consumers is cushioned, leaving more spending money in the hands of the consumers than would otherwise have been the case. This will be accompanied by a decline in government tax revenues, and, so long as the government does not take steps to reduce expenditures to compensate for the loss of revenue, the net result will be to temper the decline in the level of economic activity. Conversely, during a boom a disproportionate share of the additional income flows into the treasury, keeping the rate of consumption expenditures below the rate that might have otherwise prevailed in the absence of a progressive tax system. unemployment benefits produce a similar effect. During a recession unemployment benefits rise with the growing numbers of unemployed and prevent disposable incomes from falling by as much as would otherwise have been the case. This situation normally causes an increase in government expenditures and a decrease in tax revenue. When the economy begins to expand again and demand for labour picks up, the unemployment pay drops automatically, tax revenue increases, and expenditures decrease.

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