filarial worm

filarial worm
Any of a group of parasitic nematodes that usually require two hosts to complete the life cycle: an arthropod and another animal, which is bitten by the arthropod.

The female worm produces large numbers of microscopic, active embryos, called microfilariae, that pass into the bloodstream of the primary host. These enter the body of an insect when it bites the infected animal; within the insect the microfilariae grow into larvae, which are passed to an animal the insect bites, where they complete their growth. See also heartworm.

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      any of a group of parasitic worms of the family Filariidae (phylum Nematoda) that usually require two hosts, an arthropod (the intermediate host) and a vertebrate (the primary host), to complete the life cycle. The larval phase occurs within the body of a biting insect. The mature (reproductive) phase occurs in the body of an animal bitten by the insect.

      The female worm produces large numbers of microscopic, active embryos called microfilariae that pass into the bloodstream of the primary host. The microfilariae may then enter the body of an insect as the insect bites the infected animal. The microfilariae grow into larvae in the insect's muscles and may then be passed to the primary host when the insect bites an animal. The larvae reach adulthood within the vertebrate host, and the cycle repeats. In mammals filarial worms cause a group of infectious disorders including heartworm, elephantiasis, and river blindness. These disorders are known collectively as filariasis. At present, more than 200 million people are infected with filarial parasites.

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