critical theory

critical theory
Marxist inspired movement in social and political philosophy originally associated with the work of the Frankfurt school.

Drawing particularly on the thought of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, critical theorists maintain that a primary goal of philosophy is to understand and to help overcome the social structures through which people are dominated and oppressed. Believing that science, like other forms of knowledge, has been used as an instrument of oppression, they caution against a blind faith in scientific progress, arguing that scientific knowledge must not be pursued as an end in itself without reference to the goal of human emancipation. Since the 1970s, critical theory has been immensely influential in the study of history, law, literature, and the social sciences.

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  • critical theory — The title is specifically applied to the philosophical approach of the Frankfurt school . This owed its philosophical background to Hegel and to Marx, seeing social and cultural imperfections as defects of rationality, and comparing them with an… …   Philosophy dictionary

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  • critical theory — noun The examination and critique of society and literature, drawing from knowledge across social science and humanities disciplines …   Wiktionary

  • critical theory — noun a philosophical approach to culture, and especially to literature, seen from a modified Marxist perspective …   English new terms dictionary

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  • Outline of critical theory — The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to critical theory: Critical theory – examination and critique of society and culture, drawing from knowledge across the social sciences and humanities. The term has two… …   Wikipedia

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