
Use of a canoe or kayak for recreation or competition.

Both types of boat are used in water touring, in speed competitions, and in white-water sport, or navigation through rapids (which includes, in the case of kayaks, ocean surf). The Scottish philanthropist John MacGregor (18251892) is traditionally credited with establishing the modern outdoor activity of canoeing in the 1860s. Canoeing events became part of the Olympic Games in 1936 (1948 for women). In addition to various singles, pairs, and team still-water events for distance and speed, there are white-water racing competitions and, for kayaks, slalom events involving the use of gates similar to those of slalom skiing.

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      the use for sport, recreation, or competition of a canoe, kayak, or foldboat, all small, narrow, lightweight boats propelled by paddles and pointed at both ends. There are many canoe clubs in Europe and North America, and most canoes are used in touring or cruising, travel in wilderness areas, or wild-water sport, the thrilling and dangerous sport of canoeing in rapids or surf.

      In the 1860s John MacGregor, a Scottish lawyer, sportsman, traveler, and philanthropist, was a major figure in the development of canoeing as recreation and sport. He designed sailing canoes, which were decked and provided with a mast and sail as well as paddles, traveled in them throughout Europe and in the Middle East, and promoted their use in lectures and books. Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, designed a series of canoes with sails in the 1870s, and thereafter his and MacGregor's canoes followed a separate course of development from the paddled canoe. A type of decked sailing canoe was recognized by the International Canoe Federation (ICF) after World War II, and in 1970 the sail canoe became a one-design class (a racing division in which all boats are built to the same measurements) in yachting.

      In 1865 or 1866 MacGregor founded the Canoe Club (from 1873 the Royal Canoe Club) with other prestigious sportsmen and travellers. Other British canoeing groups, some devoted to cruising, came and went until in 1936, when the British Canoe Union became the governing body for all aspects of the sport in the United Kingdom. Organization began in North America with the New York Canoe Club (founded 1871), and in 1880 the American Canoe Association became the governing body in the United States. Today, the ACA not only oversees canoeing events, it has become a strong voice for conservation of the waters where canoeing is popular. The Canadian Canoe Association was organized in 1900. The Internationale Repräsentationsschaft des Kanusport was founded in 1924 and won men's canoeing a place in the Olympic Games in 1936. After World War II, the organization was reconstituted as the International Canoe Federation in 1946.

Recreation and sport
      Canoeing began as a noncompetitive recreation and for a majority of canoeists remained such, involving paddling on local streams and lakes, extended tours, sometimes in North America repaddling the waters of earlier missionaries, explorers, and voyageurs. Canoeing was also combined for many enthusiasts with fishing, hunting, and camping trips. Wild-water, or white-water, canoeing on rivers with rapids and surf canoeing in the ocean also became popular. The development of recreational canoeing was furthered after World War II in North America by the proliferation of small aircraft that permitted canoeists to reach remote wilderness waters not used since the Indians and voyageurs travelled them.

      Throughout the last quarter of the 20th century recreational canoeing continued to grow rapidly in popularity, particularly in North America. In 1995 the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that approximately 14 million people or about 6 percent of the population had canoed in the previous year. Participation percentages for Canada and Europe are similar. Commercial canoe liveries operate on almost all major rivers in the U.S. and Canada. Most national, state, and provincial parks with canoeable waters have designated canoe routes and travel loops available to visitors.

      Canoeing as a sport probably began as impromptu races between individuals returning from hunting and fishing raids and war expeditions. As an organized sport canoeing began in the second half of the 19th century in local and national competitions in Great Britain and North America, many of which persist. The sport became progressively more popular in Europe in the 20th century, so that, with the advent of canoeing events for men in the Olympic Games from 1936 and for women from 1948, most Olympic winners were European, with the Soviet Union and eastern European nations predominating after World War II. In the mid-20th century, however, the outstanding single performer was the Swedish canoeist Gert Fredriksson (Fredriksson, Gert), who in Olympic Games from 1948 through 1956 won 6 gold medals for individual and team performances, as well as more than 40 more gold medals in international competition.

      Olympic events for men include kayak pairs (K-2) (K = kayak and C = Canadian canoe; the number refers to the number of paddlers) at 1,000 metres (from 1936) and at 500 metres (from 1976); kayak singles (K-1) at 1,000 metres (from 1936) and at 500 metres (from 1976); kayak fours (K-4) at 1,000 metres (from 1964); Canadian singles (C-1) at 1,000 metres (from 1936) and at 500 metres (from 1976); and Canadian pairs (C-2) at 500 metres (from 1976) and at 1,000 metres (from 1936). Olympic events for women, contested over a distance of 500 metres, include K-1 (from 1948), K-2 (from 1960), and K-4 (from 1984).

      Other events sponsored by the ICF in international competition include wild-water racing (at least 3 km [1.9 miles]) for both Canadian canoes and kayaks; and slalom racing, derived from slalom in skiing, in which racing is over a winding course through a series of gates. Current speed for such races must be at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) per second. Slalom racing was also held as an Olympic event at the 1972 Olympic Games for men and women in K-1 and for men only in C-1 and C-2; these races returned to the Olympic program in the 1992 Games.

      Sprint races are held on still water (except for wild-water and slalom) in depths of at least 3 metres (9.8 feet). Races of up to 1,000 metres take place entirely in lanes, while longer races only end in lanes. Long-distance racing is not governed by the ICF. Notable long-distance races include the Sella Descent, a 16.5-km (10-mile) race contested annually from 1931 in northern Spain; and the Liffey Descent, a 28.2-km (17.5-mile) race contested annually from 1959 in Ireland. Sports related to canoeing are canoe polo and canoe surfing.

Sport canoes
 The ICF specifications for craft vary from 4 metres in length for K-1 and C-1 craft to 11 metres for K-4. Weight ranges from 9 kg (19.8 pounds) for K-1 to 50 kg (110 pounds) for C-7. Weight is unrestricted for slalom and wild-water craft. Canadian canoes are built of wood of veneer-like thinness. Sprint canoes, C-1 and C-2, are built very low and sleek; the paddlers kneel on one knee. For wild-water and slalom a canvas spray deck with openings for the paddles may be used. The sprint racing kayaks, K-1 and K-2, are made of veneer-like wood with a small rudder under the stern. Kayaks for slalom and wild-water racing are quite short and made of fibreglass. Kayaks for distance racing have deep bows.

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