- bladder cancer
The most significant risk factor associated with bladder cancer is smoking. Exposure to chemicals called arylamines, which are used in the leather, rubber, printing, and textiles industries, is another risk factor. Most bladder cancers are diagnosed after the age of 60; men are affected more than women. Symptoms include blood in the urine, difficulty urinating, excessive urination, or, more rarely, painful urination. Bladder cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.
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Introductiondisease characterized by the growth of malignant cells within the urinary bladder, the organ responsible for storing urine prior to elimination. Bladder cancer can also be associated with cancers of the kidneys (renal cell carcinoma), ureters, or urethra.Causes and symptomsOver 90 percent of bladder cancers are transitional cell carcinomas (carcinoma), or cancers of the cells lining the bladder, ureters (ureter), and urethra. The exact causes are largely unknown, but both genetic and environmental factors are responsible. In the United States bladder cancer is three times as likely to affect men as women, and whites are twice as likely to be affected as blacks. The most significant risk factor associated with bladder cancer is smoking; carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, where they are filtered out by the kidneys and enter the urinary tract. An environmental risk is presented by a class of organic chemicals called arylamines. People who work in the leather, rubber, printing, and textiles industries or with large quantities of paint are often exposed to these chemicals and should exercise caution in their use.As with many cancers, advanced age is a risk factor, and most bladder cancers are diagnosed after the age of 60. Chronic bladder inflammation, such as that caused by recurrent bladder infections, is a risk factor, as are rare, inherited birth defects related to the development of the bladder.The symptoms of bladder cancer are nearly identical to those of urinary tract infections and other diseases of the urogenital system. These symptoms include blood in the urine, difficulty urinating, excessive urination, or, more rarely, painful urination.DiagnosisIn cases of suspected cancer, a urine sample or bladder washing is examined for the presence of abnormal cells, and the bladder can be examined visually, using a flexible tube called a cystoscope. The cystoscope is also used to take biopsy samples from the bladder or urethra for laboratory analysis. An X-ray imaging procedure called intravenous pyelography, in which an injectable dye travels into the urinary tract and enhances X-ray image contrast, may also be used; abnormalities seen on the film may indicate the presence of cancer. In addition, laboratory tests can detect specific chemical markers that indicate cancer.In order to determine the degree of metastasis, or spread of the cancer, several imaging methods may be used, such as traditional X rays, computed tomography (computerized axial tomography) (CT) scans, or magnetic resonance imaging (diagnosis) (MRI). These procedures generate diagnostic pictures of different parts of the body and are used to detect abnormalities such as cancerous tissues.Once bladder cancer has been diagnosed, its stage is then determined to indicate how far the cancer has progressed. Stage 0 bladder cancer, also called carcinoma in situ, is localized to the inner layer of the urinary bladder. Stage I cancers have spread into the connective tissue beneath the lining, and stage II cancers have progressed into the underlying muscle layer. Stage III bladder cancer has spread completely through the bladder wall and perhaps to nearby reproductive organs such as the uterus or prostate. Stage IV cancer extends to the abdominal wall and has usually spread to nearby lymph nodes; it may also have spread to other organs such as the lungs, liver, stomach, or bone.When detected early, bladder cancers have a very high five-year survival rate, but the rate is only about 50 percent for those with local metastases. Bladder cancers that are detected late and have spread to distant regions of the body have a very low five-year survival rate.Treatment (therapeutics)Like most cancers, bladder cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. surgery is often the first method of treatment. When detected early, small regions of cancerous tissue may be surgically removed through the urethra, using a cystoscope in a procedure called transurethral resection. If the cancer has spread to a large region of the bladder, a cystectomy, or removal of bladder tissue, is necessary. In a partial cystectomy, only a portion of the bladder is removed and the remaining portion repaired. More invasive cancers require a radical cystectomy, or removal of the entire bladder. In men radical cystectomy usually includes removal of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, and in women the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus are usually removed.Complete removal of the bladder requires an alternative method of storing urine. This is accomplished with a urostomy, in which a portion of the small intestine is removed and restructured to form a substitute for the bladder. Urine from the substitute bladder is then emptied into an external bag that is manually emptied when full, or the urine is stored in the intestinal sac and emptied through a catheter in the abdominal wall. In some cases, the resected portion of small intestine may be attached directly to the urethra, which allows for near normal urinary function.Bladder cancer may be treated with radiation (radiation therapy), using either external beams or surgically implanted radioactive rods or pellets. Radiation is usually employed following surgery to destroy small amounts of remaining cancerous tissue. The side effects of radiation treatment may include vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, or skin irritations resembling a sunburn.chemotherapy may also be indicated for treatment of bladder cancers. If the cancer remains localized to the bladder, chemotherapeutic agents may be administered directly through a urinary catheter, which greatly reduces side effects by limiting exposure of other body tissues to the drugs. If the cancer has spread, systemic chemotherapy will be required, and several side effects resemble those of radiation therapy.Bladder cancer may be treated through biological therapy, or immunotherapy, in which the body's own cells, chemicals, or other natural agents are used to help boost the natural immune response against the cancer. In some cases a special type of bacteria is injected directly into the bladder. The body's immune response is then targeted at the bacteria but also attacks the cancer.PreventionBladder cancer cannot be completely prevented, but risk of developing the disease can be greatly reduced by not smoking and by avoiding or reducing exposure to arylamines. People with uncontrollable risk factors such as advanced age or a personal history of bladder cancer should be aware of the early symptoms and see their physicians regularly.* * *
Universalium. 2010.