
See kart.

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Driving and racing miniature, skeleton-frame, rear-engine automobiles called karts or GoKarts.

The sport originated in the U.S. in the 1950s after the first kart had been assembled from unwanted lawn-mower parts. It thereafter developed into an international sport in Europe. Speeds of 100 mph (160 kph) are not uncommon.

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motor sport
 driving and racing miniature, skeleton-frame, rear-engine automobiles called karts, or GoKarts. The sport originated in the United States in the 1950s after the kart had been devised from unwanted lawn-mower engines. The karts usually have no protective bodywork, and the driver sits only a few inches above the ground. Some of the vehicles, nevertheless, are capable of speeds well over 100 miles (160 kilometres) per hour.

      After kart racing developed into an international sport in Europe, there was little American participation in the world championship event until 1970. Races are run on tracks similar to those for other kinds of auto racing but only about 1,000 yards or metres in length. Karts are grouped by engine displacement into 100- and 200-cubic-centimetre categories. Price limits on classes in some areas have enhanced the sport's popular appeal.

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