auto sacramental

auto sacramental
(Spanish; "sacramental act" )

Spanish dramatic genre of short plays on sacred or biblical subjects.

Performed outdoors as part of Corpus Christi feast-day celebrations, they were verse allegories dealing with some aspect of the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. The form first appeared in the 16th century and reached its height in plays by Pedro Calderón de la Barca, who covered a wide range of nonsacramental subjects. Their performance was prohibited by royal decree in 1765 on the ground of irreverence.

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Spanish drama
      (Spanish:sacramental act”), Spanish dramatic genre that reached its height in the 17th century with autos written by the playwright Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Calderón de la Barca, Pedro). Performed outdoors as part of the Corpus Christi feast day celebrations, autos were short allegorical plays in verse dealing with some aspect of the mystery of the Holy Eucharist, which the feast of Corpus Christi solemnly celebrated. They derived from tableaus, which had been part of the procession that accompanied the Eucharist as it was carried through the streets at Corpus Christi. The tableaus became animated, then developed a dramatic form, and finally were detached from the Eucharistic procession to form one of their own. Mounted on carts, they were pulled to selected places in the municipality, and the actors presented their autos, one after another, much as the scriptural plays of the Netherlands and northern England had been presented on pageant wagons during the Middle Ages. Expenses for these superbly set and dressed autos were paid by the municipality.

      These little plays had begun to appear in the late 16th century, but they were at first rough and primitive, a rustic form of pious entertainment. Important names in the development of the autos into works of polished art were a bookseller from Valencia, Juan de Timoneda, and the playwrights Jose de Valdivielso and his contemporary Lope de Vega. It was Calderón, however, who seized the opportunity that they offered for allegory to cover a wide range of nonsacramental subjects. He took the auto form to new heights of artistic achievement.

      Accused of displaying irreverence toward the sacrament during the 18th century, their performance was in 1765 prohibited by royal decree. Some 20th-century poets have imitated their form and have written secularized versions of the old autos.

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Universalium. 2010.

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