archer fish

archer fish
Any of five species (family Toxotidae) of Indo-Pacific fishes noted for their ability to knock their insect prey off overhanging vegetation by shooting it with drops of water expelled from their mouth.

Archer fishes are elongated and have a relatively deep body that is almost flat from the dorsal fin forward. The head is pointed, the mouth is large, and the dorsal and anal fins are placed toward the back of the body. Different species are spotted or vertically banded with black. Archer fishes live in both fresh and salt water, usually remaining near the surface. One well-known species (Toxotes jaculator, or jaculatrix) grows to about 7 in. (18 cm) long.

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      any of six species of Indo-Pacific fishes of the family Toxotidae (order Perciformes) noted for their ability to knock their insect prey off overhanging vegetation byshootingit with drops of water expelled from their mouths. The insect falls into the water, where it can be eaten by the fish. Archer fishes are elongated, with relatively deep bodies that are almost flat from the dorsal fin forward. The head is pointed, the mouth is large, and the dorsal and anal fins are placed toward the back of the body. Different species are spotted or vertically banded with black.

      Archer fishes live in both fresh and brackish saltwater, usually remaining near the surface. One of the best-known species is Toxotes jaculator (or T. jaculatrix), which grows about 18 cm (7 inches) long.

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