- Zhougong
or Chou-kungOn the death of his brother Wuwang, founder of the Zhou, he resisted the temptation to seize the throne and chose instead to serve as counselor to his nephew, the second Zhou ruler. When Zhougong stepped down after seven years, the Zhou political and social system had been stabilized. Confucius so admired Zhougong's wisdom and virtue as a minister, that he proffered him as a model for rulers of his own time to emulate.
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▪ regent of Chouflourished 11th century BCE, Chinamajor political figure who solidified the power of the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BCE) in its early years. Confucius esteemed Zhougong as a paragon for later Chinese rulers and ministers.Zhougong was a brother of the powerful Wuwang, the founder of the Zhou dynasty, whose reign Zhougong helped consolidate. Upon Wuwang's death, Zhougong resisted the temptation to seize the throne and chose instead to serve as counselor to Wuwang's young son Chengwang, whom he then began to train in the art of governing. No sooner had Zhougong assumed the role of regent, however, than a large rebellion broke out headed by two of his brothers and the heir of the defeated Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BCE). Zhougong put down the rebellion and also launched a series of expeditions that brought much of the plain of the Huang He (Yellow River) under control of the Zhou. He subsequently built a new subsidiary capital for the eastern part of the empire near the site of present-day Luoyang, in Henan province.Zhougong completely ended the Shang's domination over their former territories and established new administrative units in the regions he conquered, with trustworthy Zhou officials to govern them. By the time he voluntarily gave up his position as regent after seven years of service, the Zhou political and social system had been stabilized throughout the whole of North China. The administrative framework he helped establish served as a model for future Chinese dynasties. So much did Confucius admire the achievements of the long-dead Zhougong that he once said: “I must have grown really feeble and old, since I have not for a long time dreamed of seeing Duke Zhou.” Zhougong is often mistakenly credited for the writing of the Zhouli (“Rites of Zhou”), one of the traditional Chinese Classics.* * *
Universalium. 2010.