Young, Brigham

Young, Brigham
born June 1, 1801, Whitingham, Vt., U.S.
died Aug. 29, 1877, Salt Lake City, Utah

U.S. religious leader, second president of the Mormon church.

He settled in Mendon, N.Y., in 1829 and was baptized into Joseph Smith's Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1832. In 1834 he joined the Mormons in Missouri, and when they were driven out in 1838, he organized their move to Nauvoo, Ill. He established a Mormon mission in England in 1839. After Smith's murder in 1844, Young took over the church. He led the persecuted Mormons from Illinois to Utah (184648), choosing the site of Salt Lake City for the new Mormon headquarters. Elected president of the Mormons in 1847, he became governor of the provisional state of Deseret in 1849 and of the territory of Utah in 1850. His dictatorial autonomy and legalization of polygamy led Pres. James Buchanan to replace him as governor in 1857 and send the army to assert federal supremacy in the so-called Utah War, but Young remained head of the Mormon church until his death. He took more than 20 wives and fathered 47 children.

Brigham Young

By courtesy of Utah State Historical Society

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American religious leader
born June 1, 1801, Whitingham, Vt., U.S.
died Aug. 29, 1877, Salt Lake City, Utah
 American religious leader, second president of the Mormon church, and colonizer who significantly influenced the development of the American West.

      A carpenter, joiner, painter, and glazier, Young settled in 1829 at Mendon, N.Y., near where the Book of Mormon (Mormon, Book of) was published in 1830. The book soon attracted Young's interest, and he was baptized into Joseph Smith's new church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) on April 14, 1832. In the spring of 1834 he joined in the march to Missouri to help dispossessed Mormons regain their lands. He was named third of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1835. In 1838, when the Mormons were driven out of Missouri, Young, who had become senior member of the Quorum, directed the move to Nauvoo, Ill. In 1839 he went to England, where he established a mission that contributed many British converts to the Mormon church in America and that opened the way to winning converts on the European continent, especially in Scandinavia.

      When Joseph Smith was murdered (June 1844), Young was in Boston, pressing his leader's presidential campaign. He returned to Nauvoo and took command of the church. In the face of mob pressure, he led the Mormons westward out of Illinois in 1846. He got no farther than the Missouri River that summer, but in 1847 he conducted a pioneer company to the Rocky Mountains. After selecting the site of Salt Lake City as a gathering place for the Mormons, Young returned to Winter Quarters (Florence, Neb., now a part of Omaha) and in December 1847 became president of the church. He returned to Utah with the Mormon emigration of 1848 and remained there for the rest of his life.

      With Salt Lake City as the base for Mormon colonizing, Young dispatched missions not only in Utah but to areas now in California, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming.

      In 1849 the Mormons established the provisional state of Deseret, with Young as governor. The next year this area became the territory of Utah, again with Young as governor. He was appointed to a second term in 1854, but friction between the Mormons and the federal governmentworsened by the Mountain Meadows massacre (1857), in which Mormons in southwestern Utah killed more than 100 members of a passing wagon trainled President James Buchanan (Buchanan, James) to replace him, at which time an army was sent to establish the primacy of federal rule in Utah. Young never again held political office, but, as president of the Mormon church, he effectively ruled the people of Utah until his death.

      An eminently practical man, Young made few doctrinal contributions. He was an iron-fisted administrator who stabilized Mormon society and gave it a cohesion made possible, in part, by its comparative isolation. Young encouraged education and the theatre, always stressed self-sufficiency, and became a notably wealthy man. Having accepted the doctrine of plural marriage, he took more than 20 wives and fathered 47 children.

Additional Reading
Leonard J. Arrington, Brigham Young: American Moses (1985), is an extensive work, based on previously unavailable Mormon archival material. Newell G. Bringhurst, Brigham Young and the Expanding American Frontier (1986), examines Young's important place in frontier history.

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  • Young, Brigham — (1801–77)    Sect Founder.    Young was born in Whitingham, Vermont, in the United States of America. He became a follower of Joseph smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) in 1832. In 1835 he was… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

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