Xiang Yu

Xiang Yu
or Hsiang

born 232 BC, state of Chu, China
died 202 BC, Anhui province

Chinese aristocratic general and cultural hero.

He overthrew the Qin dynasty and tried to return China to a pre-Qin ruling system. His forces were overwhelmed by Liu Bang (Gaozu), founder of the Han dynasty, and Xiang Yu chose suicide over capture. His heroism has been glorified in Chinese stories and poetry.

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Chinese rebel leader
Wade-Giles romanization  Hsiang  , original name  Xiang Ji , courtesy name  Yu 
born 232, state of Chu, China
died 202 BCE, Anhui province

      Chinese general and leader of the rebel forces that overthrew the Qin dynasty (221207 BCE). He was the principal contestant for control of China with Liu Bang (Gaozu), who, as the Gaozu emperor, founded the Han dynasty (206 BCE220 CE). Xiang Yu's defeat signaled the end of the old aristocratic order in China.

      Xiang Yu was a member of a prominent family in Chu, one of the Chinese states absorbed by the Qin dynasty when it united China and abolished the small feudal kingdoms into which the country had been divided. When rebellions erupted against the dynasty, Xiang Yu joined the Chu armies led by his uncle, eventually succeeding him as supreme commander. Xiang Yu's forces captured the Qin capital and executed the last Qin emperor.

      Xiang Yu then attempted to restore the earlier ruling system. He gave the title of emperor to a member of the former imperial family of the state of Chu and divided the country between the various insurgent generals, making each a ruler of one of the old royal houses. Xiang Yu took the old territory of Chu and reserved for himself the title of hegemon king.

      Soon, however, he had the emperor executed, thus precipitating a struggle for supremacy with his rival generals, the foremost of whom was Liu Bang, who had been given control of western China. Of peasant origin, Liu was a blunt, crude man but one who knew how to win the hearts of the people. He had gradually eliminated his rivals in the west and consolidated his position. Xiang Yu, by contrast, epitomized the aristocrat. He was tall and muscular, a poet and an educated man, and a superb military tactician; yet he lacked the personal magnetism to gain and hold the loyalty of the common people. The truce that the two rivals for power concluded was violated almost immediately by Liu Bang, who also repeatedly declined Xiang Yu's offers to settle their conflict in hand-to-hand combat. In 202 Xiang Yu's forces were overwhelmed, and he chose suicide rather than capture. His heroism, especially during the final battle, has been glorified in Chinese stories and poetry.

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