Wang Chong

Wang Chong
or Wang Ch'ung

born AD 27, Kuiji, China
died 100?, Kuiji

Chinese philosopher of the Han dynasty.

A rationalistic naturalist, he paved the way for the critical spirit of the next philosophical period and prepared China for the advent of Neo-Daoism. He opposed the superstitious element of Confucianism, declaring that natural events occur spontaneously and are not influenced by the actions of humans, who have no exceptional position in the universe. He also insisted that theories be supported by concrete evidence and experimental proof. Though never greatly popular in China, he attracted new interest in the 20th century for his foreshadowing of rationalism and the scientific method.

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Chinese philosopher
Wade-Giles romanization  Wang Ch'ung 
born 27 CE, Kueiji, China
died 100?, Kueiji

      one of the most original and independent Chinese thinkers of the Han period (206 BCE220 CE).

      A rationalistic naturalist during an age of superstition, Wang dared attack the belief in omens and portents that had begun to creep into the Confucian doctrines. He helped pave the way for the critical spirit of the next philosophical period and prepared China for the advent of neo-Daoism. Born into a poor family and orphaned at an early age, Wang did much of his reading in a bookstore. He held a few minor government positions, but during much of his life he taught in his hometown.

      Accepting the original doctrines of Confucius, Wang opposed the contemporary, “debasedConfucianism. Dismissing teleology, he declared that natural things occurred spontaneously. Further, Wang rejected the notion that natural disasters were a response by heaven (tian) to human immorality, especially that of the ruler, theson of heaven” (tianzi). A bad king, in other words, would not necessarily produce bad weather. He stated that human beings, though noble and intelligent, had no exceptional position in the cosmos. A rationalist, he insisted upon the necessity of supporting any theory with concrete evidence and experimental proof.

      Wang has never been greatly popular in China, though in the 20th century the prevailing critical spirit, scientific method, and revolt against the past attracted new attention to his ideas. His outstanding work, the trenchant and critical Lunheng (“Disquisitions”), written about 85 CE, was translated into English by Alfred Forke (2 vol., 190711).

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