Vieira, António

Vieira, António
born Feb. 6, 1608, Lisbon, Port.
died July 18, 1697, Salvador, Braz.

Portuguese-born Brazilian missionary, orator, diplomat, and writer.

He was raised in Brazil, where he became a Jesuit priest. His sermons exhorting all races to join in repelling Dutch invaders are considered the first expression of the Brazilian concept of forming a new race of mixed blood. He worked among the Indians and black slaves until 1641, mastering several of their languages. Returning to Portugal, he became an important figure in the court of John IV, where he advocated toleration for Jewish converts to Christianity. He was imprisoned by the Inquisition (166567) but returned to Brazil in 1681.

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Portuguese author and diplomat
born Feb. 6, 1608, Lisbon, Port.
died July 18, 1697, Salvador, Braz.

      Jesuit missionary, orator, diplomat, and master of classical Portuguese prose who played an active role in both Portuguese and Brazilian history. His sermons, letters, and state papers provide a valuable index to the climate of opinion of the 17th-century world.

      Vieira went to Brazil with his parents as a child of six. Educated at the Jesuits' college in Bahia, he joined the Society of Jesus in 1623 and was ordained in 1635. He soon became the most popular and influential preacher in the colony, and his sermons exhorting the various races to join the Portuguese in arms against the Dutch invaders of Brazil (163054) are considered the first expression of the Brazilian national mystique of forming a new race of mixed bloods. In addition to the Tupí-Guaraní tongue, the lingua franca of the Brazilian littoral, Vieira learned a number of local Amazon dialects and the Kimbundu language of the black slaves who had been brought to Brazil from Angola.

      Vieira worked among the Indians and black slaves until 1641, when he went with a mission to Portugal to congratulate King John IV on his accession. The king soon fell under the spell of Vieira's self-assured and magnetic personality and came to regard the tall, lean, dynamic Jesuit asthe greatest man in the world.” The king made him tutor to the infante, court preacher, and a member of the royal council. Vieira's devotion to the king was such that after John's death (1656) he formed a fixed idea that the king would return to inaugurate a prophesied golden age of peace and prosperity.

      Between 1646 and 1650 Vieira was engaged in diplomatic missions to Holland, France, and Italy. But by his outspoken advocacy for toleration for Jewish converts to Christianity in Portugal and because of his willingness to cede Pernambuco to the Dutch as the price of peace, he made enemies in Portugal. By 1652 it had become prudent for him to leave the country for Brazil. His denunciation of slave-owning there resulted in his return to Lisbon in 1654. During his stay in Portugal, he secured decrees protecting the Brazilian Indians from enslavement and creating a monopoly for the Jesuits in the government of the Indians, and he returned triumphantly in 1655. He resumed his apostolic mission in Maranhão and on the Amazon delta, where for six years he traveled widely and laboured energetically before being forced back to Lisbon in 1661. For prophesying the return of John he was condemned by the Inquisition and imprisoned (166567).

      On his release (1668) he went to Rome, where he succeeded in securing at least temporary toleration for the converted Jews. He remained there for six years, becoming confessor to Queen Christina of Sweden and a member of her literary academy. In 1681 he returned to Bahia, where he remained, a fighter for the freedom of the Indians, until his death at 89.

      Vieira is claimed as a literary master by both the Portuguese and the Brazilians. Though his prose style, in its ornateness, Latinisms, and elaborate conceits, is a product of the Old World, his works are of the New World in their emotional freedom, boldness of thought, and advanced attitude of racial tolerance.

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Universalium. 2010.

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