Vico, Giambattista

Vico, Giambattista
born June 23, 1668, Naples
died Jan. 23, 1744, Naples

Italian philosopher of cultural history and law.

In his major work, New Science (1725), he attempted to combine history and the more systematic social sciences into a single science of humanity. He described human societies as passing through stages of growth and decay. The first is a "bestial" condition, from which emerges "the age of the gods," in which man is ruled by fear of the supernatural. "The age of heroes" is the consequence of alliances formed by family leaders to protect against internal dissent and external attack; in this stage, society is rigidly divided into patricians and plebeians. "The age of men" follows, as the result of class conflict in which the plebeians achieve equal rights, but this stage encounters the problems of corruption, dissolution, and a possible reversion to primitive barbarism. His work is recognized as a forerunner of cultural anthropology.

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Italian philosopher
born June 23, 1668, Naples [Italy]
died Jan. 23, 1744, Naples

      Italian philosopher of cultural history and law, who is recognized today as a forerunner of cultural anthropology, or ethnology. He attempted, especially in his major work, the Scienza nuova (1725; “New Science”), to bring about the convergence of history, from the one side, and the more systematic social sciences, from the other, so that their interpenetration could form a single science of humanity.

Early life and career.
      Vico was the son of a poor bookseller. In his family's home everyone was miserably huddled together in a mud-floored, ground-level room used simultaneously as a bookshop, living room, and kitchen. When he was scarcely seven, Vico injured his head falling from the ladder that led to the small second-floor attic that served as the sleeping room. The injury appeared so serious that the doctor predicted that it would lead to death or imbecility. Although the injury healed, he became stern and melancholy in nature. Vico later acknowledged this in his autobiography and observed:such a nature do men with profound and active spirits possess.”

      He attended various schools, including a Jesuit college, for short periods but was largely self-taught. He had to study by candlelight in a miserable room crowded with a large family. He often skipped his classes, because his mediocre teachers could offer him nothing more than an arid Scholasticism, the system of Western Christian philosophy that flourished from the 11th to the 15th century but had declined greatly by the time of Vico. Despite his life of poverty, he was able to escape occasionally to the countryside; these excursions opened immense horizons beyond his limited early environment. In fact, personal experience, rather than reading, was the primary source of Vico's unique genius, although his reading was extensive, varied, and always distinguished by a personal interpretation.

      In the course of his reading Vico encountered his first master, the Greek philosopher Plato. A critical spirit quickly intervened, and he turned to Tacitus, a Roman historian, and to Machiavelli, an Italian statesman and political philosopher, who portrayed men not as they should be but as they unfortunately are. Thus, contrasts soon became an important element in his thought: between nature and spirit; between the body, asthis sombre prison,” and the soul; between the high aspirations of the imprisoned soul and the fall that awaits it when it yields to the desires of the senses.

      Vico's thought became increasingly independent, and he preferred to meditate in solitude; but, at the same time, he frequented the fashionable salons, where he met several scholars of the time, such as Thomas Corneille, a French dramatist, and Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni, a literary historian, with whom he debated. Gradually, this circle of scholars became attracted by the ideas of René Descartes, Benedict de Spinoza, and John Locke, which were penetrating Naples at the end of the 17th century. Although Vico was distantly involved in the controversies, he continued to depend more upon the course of his own self-instruction.

      Following an attack of typhus, Vico left Naples and accepted a tutoring position in the home of the Duca della Rocca at Vatolla, south of Salerno, where he wrote his most authentic, and most despondent, poetry. There, secretly infatuated with his pupil, the young Giulia della Rocca, he discovered the pain ofsocial barriers”—barriers that were insuperable, because they were the vestige of entrenched ancient structures. Giulia, who admired Vico, died at the age of 22, shortly after her marriage to a young manof her sphere.” Although Vico always had a longing for a peaceful world, he felt that the discord that governs the individual spreads and that history itself only partially obeys the designs of Providence.

      After his return to Naples, Vico found the next few years less difficult. He recovered from his ill-fated passion and in December 1699 married a childhood friend, Teresa Destito, who was well intentioned but almost illiterate and incapable of understanding him. In the same year he obtained a chair of rhetoric at the University of Naples. One of the duties of the professor of rhetoric was to open the academic year with a Latin oration, and Vico carried out this responsibility by giving the introductory lectures between 1699 and 1708. The last one, printed in 1709 under the title De Nostri Temporis Studiorum Ratione (“On the Method of the Studies of Our Time”), is rich with his reflections about pedagogical methods. This work was followed almost immediately by the publication of Vico's great metaphysical essay De Antiquissima Italorum Sapientia (“On the Ancient Wisdom of the Italians”), which was a refutation of the Rationalistic system of Descartes.

      This tranquil interval, during which he brought his aging father to live with him, did not last. Three of his eight children died at an early age, and another, Ignazio, caused his parents grave anxiety and was even imprisoned for his debts. Vico was also disappointed in his own career, which had initially appeared promising. He failed to obtain the more prestigious and better paid chair of law that he actively sought. When a notice contemptuous of his work appeared in one of the scholarly publications, his fiery temper was sparked, and he wrote his pamphletVici Vindiciae” (“The Vindications of Vico”) in reply. It was distressing for him to see so many mediocre thinkers favoured and to be unable to ensure publication of his most important work.

      Period of theScienza Nuova.” The outline of the work that he planned to call Scienza nuova first appeared in 172021 in a two-volume legal treatise on theUniversal Law.” The outline was written in Latin and appeared in a chapter entitledNova Scientia Tentatur” (“The New Science Is Attempted”). The ideas outlined here were to be fully developed in a version that the powerful cardinal Corsini, the future pope Clement XII, agreed to sponsor. According to contemporary practice, this meant that he would assume the costs of publication. At the last moment the Cardinal withdrew, pleading financial difficulties. It is probable, however, that the Cardinal was alarmed by certain of Vico's propositions, which were bold for that period, such as the notion that human society went through abestialstage and that it is possible for society to revert to this primitive barbarism in which men possess only an obscure form of reason.

      According to his autobiography, since he lacked money to publish the full text of his work, Vico sold the only jewel he possesseda family ringand reduced his book by two-thirds. It appeared in 1725 under the title Scienza nuova but was unsuccessful. Vico complained bitterly of the virtually universal indifference that his masterpiece evoked. He quickly regained his confidence, however, and returned to his work with energy. His mind was crowded with ideas, but ordering and systematizing them was a trying task for him. He thought as a poet, not as a dialectician. Nevertheless, he began a total revision and restructuring of his work.

      In his autobiography Vico revealed that a vain hope had been born in him when Jean Leclerc (Leclerc, Jean), an encyclopaedist and one of the greatest scholars of the time, had written to him from Amsterdam in 1722 asking for information about him. Vico had sent his two-volume legal treatise to him, and Leclerc had devoted 17 two-column pages in the 1722 edition of his Bibliothèque ancienne et moderne (“Ancient and Modern Library”) to Vico. This, however, was a trifle in comparison with the 70 pages devoted to Paola Mattia Doria, a friend of Vico from the salons of Naples. His hope was further betrayed when the Scienza nuova was not mentioned in subsequent volumes of the celebrated Bibliothèque.

      Vico's effort to restructure his masterpiece was completed as the second edition of the Scienza nuova. It was actually the fourth edition, if the outline contained in the legal treatise and thefragmentswritten between 1729 and 1732 are taken into account. The definitive edition that appeared posthumously in 1744, however, was marked terza impressione (“third edition”) and was conceived according to a very different and greatly revised plan.

      Vico's contemporaries portray him, in his old age, awakening intermittently from his exhaustion to dash off prophetic lines or to comment on a text from some classical author for the few pupils remaining to him. He found satisfaction in the fact that his eldest son, Gennaro, succeeded him in his chair at the university. Surrounded by the three survivors of his once numerous family (Ignazio had died shortly after his release from prison), Vico died. Since the stairway of his house was too narrow to permit passage of his coffin, it had to be lowered through a window, and then it was unceremoniously borne to the church of the Oratorian priests, where his remains are still kept.

Vico's vision.
      Vico had his own vision of man and the universe, and, in a time when the deductive method brought into fashion by Descartes was much employed, he posed the modern problem of sense: the sense of life and of history. He discovered the irrational, the small flame that at certain times grows imperceptibly in the heart of reason. His philosophy recognized the aspirations of humanity, its obsessions and dreams, its precarious achievements, and its frustrations and defeats. He described human societies as passing through stages of growth and decay. The first is abestialcondition, from which emergesthe age of the gods,” in which man is ruled by fear of the supernatural. “The age of heroesis the consequence of alliances formed by family leaders to protect against internal dissent and external attack; in this stage, society is rigidly divided into patricians and plebeians. “The age of menfollows, as the result of class conflict in which the plebeians achieve equal rights, but this stage encounters the problems of corruption, dissolution, and a possible reversion to primitive barbarism. Vico affirmed that providence must right the course of history so that humanity is not engulfed in successive cataclysms.

      According to Vico, the origin of unequal social classes (social class), which often retain the rigidity of primitive castes, must be attributed to imperfect forms of religion (religion, philosophy of), not to technological progress. All of Vico's anthropology is based on the affirmation of the absolute primacy of religion, which was no doubt suggested to him by the thought of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, Conte Di Concordia), an Italian Renaissance philosopher. Vico observed that three principles are dominant in the birth and regeneration of nations:All the people have a religion; official marriages are celebrated among them; and the burial of the dead is a properly human and universal custom.” Modesty and piety are the basic moral sentiments, the pillars on which the family is built. When they crumble, the descent toward the bestial state of man accelerates. Without expressly saying so, Vico thought that the degeneration that struck down the idolatrous religions of ancient times could even overtake what for him was the true religionChristianity, which had established monasteries as refuges from the world and had secured the purity of sentiments and morals.

      A second basic notion of Vico is that man has a mixed nature: he remains closer to the beast than to the angel. For Vico the second stage of barbarism, which closes the age of men, arises from an excess of reflection or from the predominance of technology. This stage heralds an imminent new beginning of history. The fundamental perversity of the second stage of barbarism makes it, in fact, more dangerous than the first, which in its excess of strength contains noble impulses that need only to be brought under control. Man becomes a coward, an unbeliever, and an informer, hiding his evil intentions behindflattery and hypocritical wheedling.” Families live huddled together in tentacled cities, veritabledeserts of souls.” These degenerate peoples do not hesitate to rush into the worst of slaveries to find shelter and protection. Money becomes the only value. This dissolution from the age of men to the bestial state exposes humanity to a fate far worse than arrests or regressions of civilizations. Vico hoped to serve warning to men of the evils that could overtake them if they became worshippers of a materialist ideology or the servants of a science uninformed by conscience.

      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von), the great German writer, received a copy of the second edition of Scienza nuova from an enthusiastic student of Vico whom he visited in Naples in 1787. In an article published that same year, Goethe spoke of the dead writer whosewisdom is now endlessly praised by Italian legal writers.” He said that the work had been handed to himas though it were a sacred thingand that it containedprophetic insights on the subject of the good and the just that we shall or must attain in the future, insights based on sober meditation about life and about the future.” Convinced by the strength of Vico's demonstration, Goethe henceforth believed that the evolution of humanity should be represented not by a continually ascending line but by a spiral. Nevertheless, it appears that Vico's work was not widely read during the 18th century.

      In the 19th century, Jules Michelet (Michelet, Jules), a great nationalist and romantic historian of France, called Vicohis own Prometheus,” his intellectual forerunner. Michelet eventually abandoned the idea of recourse to Providence but continued to cite Virgil and Vico as his authorities. Auguste Comte (Comte, Auguste), the French Positivist philosopher, hailed Vico as an influence in the formulation of his law of the three states, or ages, of mankind. Karl Marx (Marx, Karl), who developed an economic interpretation of history, owed a great deal more to Vico than he himself acknowledged; in fact, there was a close relationship of dependence. They were separated, however, by their major difference over religion. Today, many scholars see in Vico the forerunner of the sciences of anthropology and ethnology. In fact, in recent times, despite the obscurity of his style, Vico has been increasingly recognized as one of the important figures in European intellectual history, and Scienza nuova has been accepted as one of the landmark works in that history.

Jules-Marie Chaix-Ruy

Additional Reading
The standard edition of Vico's works is by Fausto Nicolini, 8 vol. (191141). For bibliography, see Benedetto Croce, Bibliografia vichiana, enlarged and ed. by Fausto Nicolini, 2 vol. (194748). The milieu, formation, and evolution of Vico's thought are studied in Jules Chaix-Ruy, La Formation de la pensée philosophique de G.-B. Vico (1943, reprinted 1979), Vie de J.-B. Vico (1943), which contains abundant notes, and J.-B. Vico et l'illuminisme athée (1968). Leon Pompa, Vico: A Study of theNew Science,” 2nd ed. (1990), offers a systematic analysis of some of Vico's principal philosophical views, including those on human nature, historical and social change, and Providence. Giambattista Vico: An International Symposium, ed. by Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Hayden V. White (1969), contains original essays by leading scholars charting Vico's contributions to Western thought.

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