Vaughan, Henry

Vaughan, Henry
born April 17, 1622, Llansantffraed, Breconshire, Wales
died April 23, 1695, Llansantffraed

Anglo-Welsh poet and mystic.

Vaughan studied law but from the 1650s practiced medicine. After writing two volumes of secular poems, he read the religious poet George Herbert and gave up "idle verse." He is chiefly remembered for the spiritual vision or imagination evident in his fresh and convincing religious verse and is considered one of the major practitioners of Metaphysical poetry. Works that reveal the depth of his religious convictions include Silex Scintillans (1650, enlarged 1655; "The Glittering Flint") and the prose Mount of Olives (1652). He also translated short moral and religious works and two medical works.

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English poet
born April 17, 1622, Llansantffraed, Breconshire, Wales
died April 23, 1695, Llansantffraed

      Anglo-Welsh poet and mystic remarkable for the range and intensity of his spiritual intuitions.

      Educated at Oxford and studying law in London, Vaughan was recalled home in 1642 when the first Civil War broke out, and he remained there the rest of his life.

      In 1646 his Poems, with the Tenth Satyre of Juvenal Englished was published, followed by a second volume in 1647. Meanwhile he had beenconvertedby reading the religious poet George Herbert (Herbert, George) and gave upidle verse.” His Silex Scintillans (1650; “The Glittering Flint,” enlarged 1655) and the prose Mount of Olives: or, Solitary Devotions (1652) show the depth of his religious convictions and the authenticity of his poetic genius. Two more volumes of secular verse were published, ostensibly without his sanction; but it is his religious verse that has lived. He also translated short moral and religious works and two medical works in prose. At some time in the 1650s he began to practice medicine and continued to do so throughout his life.

      Though Vaughan borrowed phrases from Herbert and other writers and wrote poems with the same titles as Herbert's, he was one of the most original poets of his day. Chiefly he had a gift of spiritual vision or imagination that enabled him to write freshly and convincingly, as is illustrated in the opening ofThe World:

I saw Eternity the other night
Like a Great Ring of pure and endless light

      He was equally gifted in writing about nature, holding the old view that every flower enjoys the air it breathes and that even sticks and stones share man's expectation of resurrection. The Romantic poet William Wordsworth may have been influenced by Vaughan.

      Vaughan's poetry was largely disregarded in his own day and for a century after his death. He shared in the revival of interest in 17th-century metaphysical poets in the 20th century. The standard edition is Works (1914; 2nd ed., 1957), edited by L.C. Martin.

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  • Vaughan,Henry — Vaughan (vôn), Henry. Known as “the Silurist.” 1622 1695. Welsh metaphysical poet whose works include Silex Scintillans (1650 1655). * * * …   Universalium

  • Vaughan, Henry — (1622–95)    Poet and Mystic.    Vaughan was born in Brecon, Wales, and he was educated at the University of Oxford. After medical training, he returned to Wales. He is remembered for his religious poetry, which was influenced by George herbert… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Vaughan, Henry — (17 abr. 1622, Llansantffraed, Breconshire, Gales–23 abr. 1695, Llansantffraed). Poeta y místico anglo galés. Si bien Vaughan cursó estudios en leyes, en la década de 1650 ejerció la medicina. Luego de escribir dos volúmenes de poesía secular,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Vaughan, Henry and Thomas — (1622 1695)    Twin brothers, Henry and Thomas were born at Newton by Usk in the parish of Llansaintffraed, Brecknockshire, a part of southeast Wales once inhabited by a tribe called the Silures (hence the geological Silurian Age ). Henry styled… …   British and Irish poets

  • VAUGHAN, HENRY —    English poet, self styled the Silurist from the seat of his family in South Wales; studied at Oxford, was a partisan of the royal cause; wrote four volumes of poems in the vein of George Herbert, but was much more mystical and had deeper… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Vaughan, Henry — (1622 1695)    Poet, b. in the parish of Llansaintffraed, Brecknock, and as a native of the land of the ancient Silures, called himself Silurist. He was at Jesus Coll., Oxf., studied law in London, but finally settled as a physician at Brecon and …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Henry Vaughan — (* 17. April 1622; † 23. April 1695) war ein walisischer Dichter, der meist den metaphysical poets zugeordnet wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 Kindheit und Jugend 1.2 Karriere als Dichter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vaughan (surname) — Vaughan is a surname, and may refer to many people.A* Adam Vaughan * Anne Vaughan, Countess of Carbery * Arky VaughanB* Benjamin Noel Young Vaughan * Benji Vaughan * Bernard Vaughan * Brian K. VaughanC* Charles John Vaughan * Colin Vaughan *… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry Vaughan — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Vaughan. Henry Vaughan Naissance 17 avril 1622 dans le Brecknockshire  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Henry Vaughan — Este artículo o sección sobre literatura necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 16 de julio de 2011. También puedes… …   Wikipedia Español

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