Varro, Marcus Terentius

Varro, Marcus Terentius
born 116, probably Reate [Italy]
died 27 BC

Roman scholar and satirist.

Varro was active in public life, rising to the office of praetor. He sided with Pompey the Great but later reconciled with Julius Caesar. A prolific writer, he sought in his writings to inculcate moral virtues and to link Rome's future with its glorious past. He is best known for his Saturae Menippeae ("Menippean Satires"), medleys in mixed prose and verse that mock the absurdities of modern times. He wrote some 75 works in more than 600 books on a wide range of subjects
jurisprudence, astronomy, geography, education, and literary history
as well as in a variety of genres
satires, poems, orations, and letters.

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Roman author
born 116 BC, probably Reate, Italy
died 27 BC

      Rome's greatest scholar and a satirist of stature, best known for his Saturae Menippeae (“Menippean Satires”). He was a man of immense learning and a prolific author. Inspired by a deep patriotism, he intended his work, by its moral and educational quality, to further Roman greatness. Seeking to link Rome's future with its glorious past, his works exerted great influence before and after the founding of the Roman Empire (27 BC).

      Varro studied with a prominent Latin scholar and with the philosopher Antiochus of Ascalon at Athens. Though not attracted to a political career, he played some part in the public life of the Roman Republic and rose to the office of praetor. He served with Pompey the Great in Spain (76), became his pro-quaestor there, and also served under him in the war against the pirates (67).

      In 59 Varro wrote a political pamphlet entitled Trikaranos (“The Three-Headed”) on the coalition of Pompey, Julius Caesar, and Crassus. He sided with Pompey in Spain (49) but was pardoned (47) and appointed librarian by Caesar, to whom he dedicated the second part of his Antiquitates rerum humanarum et divinarum (“Antiquities of Human and Divine Things”). Under the second triumvirate Varro was outlawed by Mark Antony, and his books were burned, but his property was later restored by Augustus. He spent the rest of his life in study and writing.

      Varro wrote about 74 works in more than 600 books on a wide range of subjects: jurisprudence, astronomy, geography, education, and literary history, as well as satires, poems, orations, and letters. The only complete work to survive is the Res rustica (“Farm Topics”), a three-section work of practical instruction in general agriculture and animal husbandry, written to foster a love of rural life.

      Dedicated to Cicero, Varro's De lingua Latina (“On the Latin Language”) is of interest not only as a linguistic work but also as a source of valuable incidental information on a variety of subjects. Of the original 25 books there remain, apart from brief fragments, only books v to x, and even these contain considerable gaps.

      Of Varro's 150 books of the Saturae Menippeae, some 90 titles and nearly 600 fragments remain. The satires are humorous medleys in mixed prose and verse in the manner of the 3rd-century-BC cynic philosopher Menippus of Gadara. The subjects range from eating and drinking to literature and philosophy. In these satires, Varro shows himself a man of the old stamp, making fun of the follies and absurdities of modern times. He preaches a simple life of old-fashioned Roman virtue and piety, opposes luxury and philosophic dogmatism, and shows considerable skill in handling several meters and poetic manners.

      The Res rustica appears in an edition with an English translation by W.D. Hooper and H.B. Ash in The Loeb Classical Library series (1934), which also offers De lingua Latina and an English translation in 2 volumes by R.G. Kent (1938).

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