Toomer, Jean

Toomer, Jean
orig. Nathan Eugene Toomer

born Dec. 26, 1894, Washington, D.C., U.S.
died March 30, 1967, Doylestown, Pa.

U.S. poet and novelist of the Harlem Renaissance.

He taught briefly before turning to writing. Cane (1923), considered his best work, is an experimental novel that depicts the experience of being black in the U.S.; it had a strong influence on younger black writers. He also wrote for The Dial and other small magazines. He visited the Gurdjieff Institute in France in 1926 and led Gurdjieff groups in Harlem and Chicago. He became a Quaker in 1940. Ambivalent about his mixed racial background and preoccupied with spiritual matters, he avoided race issues in subsequent works.

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American writer
born Dec. 26, 1894, Washington, D.C., U.S.
died March 30, 1967, Doylestown, Pa.
 American poet and novelist.

      After attending the University of Wisconsin and the City College of New York, Toomer taught briefly in the Sparta, Ga., public schools and then turned to lecturing and writing. Cane (1923; reprinted 1967) is an experimental novel which celebrates African Americans through the symbol of the title. It is considered his best work. Toomer also wrote extensively for the Dial and other little magazines and was the author of several experimental plays. In 1926 he attended the Gurdjieff Institute in France, dedicated to the expansion of consciousness and meditation, and upon his return led Gurdjieff groups in Harlem and Chicago in the late 1920s and early '30s. He began a similar institution in Portage, Wis., in 1931. Although influential on black writers, only since his death has he been recognized as a writer of note, primarily for Cane.

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  • Toomer, Jean — orig. Nathan Eugene Toomer (26 dic. 1894, Washington, D.C., EE.UU.–30 mar. 1967, Doylestown, Pa.). Poeta y novelista estadounidense del renacimiento de Harlem. Fue profesor antes de dedicarse a la escritura. La novela experimental Cane [Caña]… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jean Toomer — Toomer circa 1920 1930 Born December 26, 1894(1894 12 26) Washington, D.C., U.S. Died March 30, 1967(196 …   Wikipedia

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  • Jean Toomer — (Geburtsname: Nathan Pinchback Toomer; * 26. Dezember 1894 in Washington, D.C.; † 30. März 1967 in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller, der durch seinen Roman Cane zu einem bedeutenden Vertreter der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jean Toomer — né Eugene Pinchback Tomer (26 décembre 1894 à Washington D.C. mort le 30 mars 1967 à New York City) était un poète, romancier qui contribua à la Renaissance de Harlem. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvres 3 Voir aussi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Toomer — is a family name.Several important people have had the family name Toomer , including: * Jean Toomer, an American poet of the Harlem Renaissance * Amani Toomer, a football player for the New York Giants * Ron Toomer, a roller coaster designer *… …   Wikipedia

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  • Toomer —   [ tuːmə], Jean Nathan Eugene, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * Washington (D. C.) 26. 12. 1894, ✝ Bucks County (Pa.) 30. 3. 1967; nach dem Studium u. a. in New York entdeckte er während der Lehrtätigkeit an einer Landschule in Sparta (Georgia)… …   Universal-Lexikon

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