
In Greek religion, a festival held in honor of Demeter Thesmophoros.

The celebrants were free married women who had observed chastity for several days and abstained from certain foods. Pigs were thrown into an underground chamber, where they were eaten by snakes. The uneaten, rotted remains were brought up and laid on an altar; if mixed with seeds they were believed to ensure a good crop.

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      in Greek religion, ancient festival held in honour of Demeter Thesmophoros and celebrated by women in many parts of the Greek world. The meaning of the name Demeter Thesmophoros still remains a matter of disagreement, although a possible translation isbringer of treasure or wealth,” an obsolete sense of thesmos. Or, the name Thesmophoria is perhaps the primary one, from which the epithet of the goddess was derived; it meansthe carrying of things laid down.”

      The celebrants were free women who seem to have been married. They observed chastity for several days and abstained from certain foods. The festival lasted three days, although in Attica it was lengthened to five. The original days were Pyanopsion (October) 1214 and were called respectively anodos (or kathodos), nēsteia, and kalligeneia. At least a great part of the Thesmophoria was carried out by torchlight and was accompanied by ceremonial coarse abuse among the women, a common means of promoting fertility.

      It is plausible to assume the first day was called ascent (anodos) and descent (kathodos) and to connect it with the rite known to have been performed in conjunction with the Thesmophoria. Possibly during the Stenia, a festival celebrated two days earlier, piglets were thrown into an underground chamber, called a megaron. They were left there until the parts of them not eaten by the guardian snakes had had time to rot. The remains were then brought up by women who had observed chastity for three days. These women also carried, or some of the celebrants did, certain well-known symbols of fertility, including pinecones and figures made of dough, in the shapes of serpents and men. The remains of the pigs were laid on an altar and if taken and mixed with seed were believed to ensure a good crop. Apparently the figures, like the pigs, were also thrown into the chasms. These objects are all connected with fertility; the mixing of all manner of magical things with seeds to make them sprout better is a widespread custom. The ancients tried to explain these matters as commemorations of the abduction of Kore (Persephone), daughter of Demeter, but it is rather the legends that grew out of the ritual, now no longer understood. The nēsteia was the day of fasting, with the women sitting upon the ground. The third day, kalligeneia, wasthe fair birthand probably indicated the happy issue of all the magic in the fertility of the ground, and of men and beasts as well.

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