

Originally a town in northern Bohemia (now in the Czech Republic), it became a walled ghetto for Jews in 1941. After the small non-Jewish population was evacuated in 1942, Jewish captives were shipped there from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, and The Netherlands. Of the approximately 144,000 Jews sent to Theresienstadt, some 33,000 died in the dense crowding of the ghetto, and 88,000 were shipped on to extermination camps, especially Auschwitz. By the end of World War II, only 19,000 were alive. After the war, the town was resurrected under its Czech name, Terezín.

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Czech  Terezín 

      town in northern Bohemia (now in the Czech Republic), founded in 1780 and used from 1941 to 1945 by Nazi (Nazi Party) Germany as a walled ghetto, or concentration camp, and as a transit camp for western Jews en route to Auschwitz and other extermination camps (extermination camp).

      Reinhard Heydrich (Heydrich, Reinhard), the head of the SS (the Nazi paramilitary corps), established the camp at Theresienstadt on November 24, 1941. It soon became the home of Jews from Prague and other parts of German-occupied Bohemia and Moravia (now in the Czech Republic). In 1942 the Nazis expelled 7,000 Czechs who lived in Terezín and isolated the Jewish community in a closed environment. The Nazis intended the camp to house elderly, privileged, and famous Jews from Germany, Austria, the Czech lands, and western Europe. As the homeand the place of deathof some of the most prominent Czech, Austrian, and German artists, writers, scientists, jurists, diplomats, musicians, and scholars, Theresienstadt had a rich cultural life.

      Some 15,000 children passed through Theresienstadt, and the community ensured that their education continued with a rigorous daily routine of classes, athletic activities, and art. They painted pictures and wrote poetry. By war's end, however, no more than 1,100 (according to some estimates, no more than 150) of these children survived.

      Conditions were harsh. At times, over 50,000 Jews lived in the space once inhabited by 7,000 Czechs. Food was scarce. In 1942, 15,891 people died, more than half the average daily population of Theresienstadt at the time.

      In 1943 the Nazis sent to Theresienstadt some 500 Danish Jews who had not escaped to Sweden. While Europeans elsewhere often quickly lost interest in their deported Jewish fellow citizens, the Danes persisted in demanding that the Germans account for these Danish citizens and allow the Red Cross to visit the ghetto.

      To dispel rumours about the extermination camps, the Nazis permitted the visit, but they arranged an elaborate hoax. They deported many camp residents to Auschwitz to minimize the appearance of overcrowding and erected fake stores and cafés to give the appearance of a life of comfort and ease. The Red Cross visited the Danish Jewsno more than two or three in a roomin freshly painted quarters. A children's opera, Brundibar, was performed for the guests. The hoax succeeded so well that the Nazis made a propaganda film at Theresienstadt showing how well the Jews were living under the benevolent protection of the Third Reich. When the filming was finished, the Nazis deported most of the cast, including nearly all of the children, to Auschwitz.

      Of the approximately 144,000 Jews sent to Theresienstadt, some 33,000almost 1 in 4died there, and about 88,000 were deported to Auschwitz and other death camps. By the war's end, only 19,000 were alive. The Germans transferred control of the camp to the Red Cross on May 3, 1945, and Soviet troops liberated it five days later.

      After World War II, Theresienstadt was resurrected as the Czech town of Terezín, noted for furniture and knitwear manufacturing. Pop. (1992) 1,875.

Michael Berenbaum

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