
In Hinduism, the sun and the sun god.

Though once ranking with the major Hindu deities, he is now primarily worshiped only as one of the five important deities of the Smarta sect and as the supreme deity by the small Savra sect. Nevertheless, he is still invoked by all orthodox Hindus in daily prayer, and his temples are found throughout India. He is the father of Manu, Yama, and several other gods. The Puranas record that the weapons of the gods were forged from pieces trimmed from Surya.

Surya, stone image from Deo-Barunarak, Bihar, India, 9th century AD.

Pramod Chandra

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Hindu god
 in Hinduism, both the sun and the sun god. Although in the Vedic period (2nd millennium7th century BCE) several other deities also possessed solar characteristics, most of these were merged into a single god in later Hinduism. Surya was once ranked along with Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, and Ganesha, and many temples dedicated to him are found throughout India. These five deities are worshipped by a very important group of Brahmans (priests), the Smartas, but Surya is worshipped as the supreme deity by only a small group, the Saura sect. He is, however, invoked by most Hindus, and the Gayatri mantra, uttered daily at dawn by many Hindus, is addressed to the sun.

      Surya is the mythological father of many notable sons, including Manu (progenitor of the human race), Yama (lord of death), the Ashvins (twin physicians to the gods), Karna (a great warrior of the sacred epic the Mahabharata), and Sugriva (king of the monkeys). The Puranas (collections of myths and legends) record that the weapons of the gods were forged from pieces trimmed from Surya, whose full emanation was too bright to bear. His power was conceived of as dispelling darkness, curing disease, and heating and illuminating the world. His wife, Usasin some accounts, his mother or mistressis the personification of dawn.

 Sculptures of Surya often show him innorthernor Scythian dressclose-fitting coat and high bootssuggesting an influence from Iranian sun cults. He is commonly represented in a chariot drawn by seven horses or by a single horse with seven heads, holding full-blown lotuses, his head surrounded by a nimbus or by rays. One of the most splendid temples dedicated to Surya is the 13th-century Surya Deul (“Sun Temple”), once called the Black Pagoda, at Konarak, in Orissa. There the whole structure is conceived as a chariot on wheels in which the sun god rides across the heavens pulled by prancing horses.

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