Sumter, Thomas

Sumter, Thomas
born Aug. 14, 1734, Hanover county, Va.
died June 1, 1832, South Mount, S.C., U.S.

American Revolutionary officer.

He served in the French and Indian War and later moved to South Carolina. In the American Revolution he was commissioned a brigadier general and escaped to North Carolina after the fall of Charleston (1780). He led the state militia to victories over the British in several engagements. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives (178993, 17971801) and the Senate (180110). Fort Sumter was named for him (see Fort Sumter National Monument).

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United States general and politician
born August 14, 1734, Hanover county, Virginia [U.S.]
died June 1, 1832, South Mount, South Carolina, U.S.

      legislator and officer in the American Revolution, remembered for his leadership of troops against British forces in North and South Carolina, where he earned the sobriquetthe Carolina Gamecock.”

      Sumter served in the French and Indian War and later moved to South Carolina. After the fall of Charleston (1780) he escaped to North Carolina, where he became brigadier general of state troops. After successes over the British at Catawba and at Hanging Rock (Lancaster county), he was defeated the same year at Fishing Creek (Chester county). He defeated Mayor Wemyss at Fishdam Ford and repulsed Colonel Banastre Tarleton at Blackstock (both in Union county) in November 1780. After the war Sumter served in the U.S. House of Representatives (178993; 17971801) and in the U.S. Senate (180110). He was the last surviving general officer of the Revolution. Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor was named for him.

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