
(German; "Separatist League")

League formed in 1845 by the seven Roman Catholic Swiss cantons.

After the Protestant cantons sought to prevent the Jesuits' takeover of religious education in Lucerne, the Catholic cantons formed the Sonderbund, which further angered the liberal cantons. In 1847 a reformist majority in the Swiss Diet voted to dissolve the Sonderbund and expel the Jesuits. In November 1847 the league took up arms, but its forces were quickly subdued. The new Swiss constitution adopted in 1848 strengthened the central government.

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Swiss political organization
GermanSeparatist Leagueformally  Schutzvereinigung (Defense Union) 

      league formed on Dec. 11, 1845, by the seven Catholic Swiss cantons (Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Zug, Fribourg, and Valais) to oppose anti-Catholic measures by Protestant liberal cantons. The term Sonderbund also refers to the civil war that resulted from this conflict.

      In 1841 the government of the Aargau canton decreed the dissolution of the Catholic monasteries in its territory, despite the fact that the Federal Pact (constitution of 1815) had guaranteed the monasteries' property. The seven Catholic cantons in 184344 agreed that they would dissociate themselves from any canton disloyal to the Federal Pact, and in 1844 the Jesuits, whom 19th-century liberals detested, were invited to take charge of religious education in Luzern (Lucerne). This cantonal act, although constitutionally permissible, provoked widespread popular indignation, and a Bernese staff officer led bands of volunteers from Protestant cantons in an unsuccessful expedition against Luzern in the spring of 1845. The Catholic cantons' subsequent formation of the so-called Sonderbund was even more vehemently denounced by the liberal and radical cantons.

      In the summer of 1847, a reformist majority in the Swiss Diet voted for the dissolution of the Sonderbund, for the drafting of a new Federal Pact, and for the expulsion of the Jesuits. The Sonderbund, led politically by Konstantin Siegwart-Müller (Siegwart-Müller, Constantin) of Luzern, took up arms in November 1847 and appealed for help from abroad, but neither its military organization, commanded by Johann Ulrich von Salis-Soglio, nor its appeal were satisfactorily effective. The forces of the majority, ably led by Henri Dufour (Dufour, Guillaume-Henri), took Fribourg on November 14 and Zug on November 21; they won a decisive victory at Gislikon on November 23, entered Luzern itself, the nucleus of the Sonderbund, on November 24, and subdued Valais on Nov. 28, 1847. The peace settlement of 1848 required the former members of the Sonderbund to pay 6,000,000 francs for the cost of the war and charged the cantons of Appenzell Inner-Rhoden and Neuchâtel 15,000 and 300,000 francs, respectively, as fines for having been neutral; a new constitution for Switzerland also was adopted. In 1852 the unpaid balance of the war costs was written off.

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