
Ancient seaport, Anatolia.

Located in what is now south-central Turkey, it was founded by Greek colonists from Rhodes and was a principle city of Cilicia. It was later conquered by Alexander the Great (333 BC). Destroyed in the 1st century BC by Tigranes II of Armenia, it was rebuilt by the Roman general Pompey the Great. Traces of the port's artificial harbour and a portion of a long colonnade remain.

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ancient city, Cyrpus
Greek  Soloi,  

      ancient Greek city on Cyprus, located west of modern Karavostasi on Morphou Bay. Soli traditionally was founded after the Trojan War by the Attic hero Acamas, perhaps reflecting the Sea Peoples' (Sea People) occupation of Cyprus (c. 1193 BC). According to another legend, however, the city was named for the Athenian lawgiver Solon (flourished 6th century BC), who was supposed to have visited Cyprus. Soli was probably an ally of Assyria in the 7th century BC. In Hellenic times the city had little political importance, though its copper mines were famous. Excavated monuments include a theatre, a temple of Aphrodite and Isis, and a 5th-century palace situated 5 miles (8 km) west of the town at Vouni.

ancient city, Turkey
      ancient Anatolian seaport located west of modern Mersin, in south-central Turkey.

      Soli was founded by Greek colonists from Rhodes and was so prosperous when taken by Alexander the Great in 333 BC that he was able to exact from it a fine of 200 talents for its attachment to Persia. The city was destroyed and depopulated by Tigranes II (Tigranes II The Great) of Armenia (reigned 9555 BC) but was later revived by the Roman general Pompey (Pompey the Great), who settled defeated Cilician pirates there and renamed it Pompeiopolis. The bad Greek that was spoken there gave origin to the term solecism (Greek: soloikismos). Remains of the port's artificial harbour can be traced in the form of two parallel moles with curving ends, but the most striking remains are the relics of a long colonnade that flanked Soli's main highway, leading to the harbour.

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