Soleri, Paolo

Soleri, Paolo
born June 21, 1919, Turin, Italy

Italian-born U.S. architect.

After receiving a doctorate from Turin Polytechnic, he worked under Frank Lloyd Wright in Arizona (194749). In 1959 he began to draw up plans for a series of compact urban centres that would extend vertically into space rather than horizontally along the ground. These megastructures were designed to conserve energy and resources (partly through reliance on solar energy and elimination of automobile use within the city), preserve natural surroundings, and condense human activities within integrated total environments. Soleri coined the term arcology (from "architecture" and "ecology") to describe his utopian constructions, which he delineated in drawings of great beauty and imagination. In 1970 he began constructing a prototype town called Arcosanti, for a population of 5,000, between Phoenix and Flagstaff, Ariz. The work, by students and volunteers, is still in progress.

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American architect
born June 21, 1919, Turin, Italy

      Italian-born American architect and designer who was one of the best-known utopian city planners of the 20th century.

      Soleri received a doctorate in architecture from the Turin Polytechnic in 1946, and from 1947 to 1949 he worked under Frank Lloyd Wright in Arizona. He returned to Italy for a time and then in 1955 settled permanently in the United States, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Beginning in 1959 with his designs for Mesa City (a desert city housing two million people), Soleri drew up the plans of a series of gigantic urban centres that extend vertically into space rather than horizontally along the ground. These megastructures were designed both to conserve the natural surroundings and to intensify the human activities of living and working by condensing them spatially. The resulting integrated, total environments, Soleri hoped, would provide for all the needs of rational, aesthetic human beings. Soleri coined the term arcology (fromarchitectureandecology”) to describe his utopian constructions, which he delineated in drawings of great beauty and imagination. The exhibition of his drawings and models in major American cities in 1970 brought him widespread public notice. Soleri's Arcology: The City in the Image of Man (1969) provides a good overview of his ideas and designs.

      In 1970 Soleri began to build a version of Mesa City, though not in the ambitious terms of the original drawings. In Arizona, between Phoenix and Flagstaff, he began the construction of a single structure called Arcosanti, which would have a population of 5,000. The work, by unpaid students, proceeded slowly and was partially financed by the sale of the ceramic and copper wind bells Soleri produced. In 2006 Soleri received the National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York City.

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