Six, Les

Six, Les
(French; "The Six")

Group of young French composers in the 1920s.

Named by the critic Henri Collet (18851951), the group was made up of Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud, Francis Poulenc, Georges Auric (18991983), Louis Durey (18881979), and Germaine Tailleferre (18921983). Their music represents a strong reaction against German Romanticism, as well as against the lush style sometimes termed Impressionism, exemplified by the work of Claude Debussy. Most of Les Six were inspired by the iconoclastic music of Erik Satie, and they benefited from the promotion of Jean Cocteau. They were only active as a group for a few years.

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French composers
FrenchThe Six

      group of early 20th-century French composers whose music represents a strong reaction against the heavy German Romanticism of Richard Wagner (Wagner, Richard) and Richard Strauss (Strauss, Richard), as well as against the chromaticism and lush orchestration of Claude Debussy (Debussy, Claude). Les Six were Darius Milhaud (Milhaud, Darius), Francis Poulenc (Poulenc, Francis), Arthur Honegger (Honegger, Arthur), Georges Auric (Auric, Georges), Louis Durey, and Germaine Tailleferre. The French critic Henri Collet originated the label Les Six in his articleThe Russian Five, the French Six, and M. Erik Satie” (Comoedia, January 1920). Collet wished to draw a parallel between the well-known, highly nationalistic, late 19th-century Russian composers called The Five (Five, The) (Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Modest Mussorgsky, Aleksandr Borodin, Mily Balakirev, and César Cui) and Les Six, who drew much of their inspiration from the music of Erik Satie (Satie, Erik) and the poetry of Jean Cocteau (Cocteau, Jean).

      The artificiality of Collet's assemblage has often been remarked on by critics, and certainly each of the six composers developed along lines best suited to his or her own tastes and abilities. Yet it is impossible to ignore such distinctive elements as dry sonorities, sophisticated moods, and references to everyday life and vernacular entertainments that characterize each of these composers. Les Six performed together in a number of concerts, and they collaborated on the play-ballet Les Mariés de la tour Eiffel (first performed 1921; “The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower,” text and choreography by Cocteau).

Additional Reading
Nancy Lynn Perloff, Art and the Everyday: Popular Music and the Circle of Erik Satie (1991).

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Universalium. 2010.

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