Shaw, Lemuel

Shaw, Lemuel
born Jan. 9, 1781, Barnstable, Mass., U.S.
died March 30, 1861, Boston, Mass.

U.S. jurist.

He was educated at Harvard University. In 1822 he drafted the first municipal charter for Boston virtually without precedents to guide him; it remained in effect until 1913. In 1830 he was appointed chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, where he served for 30 years. His rulings were formative in the development of both Massachusetts and national jurisprudence. In particular, his ruling in favour of a striking labour union (1842) provided the first major precedent for removing unions from the province of the law of conspiracy, and his decision upholding the city's segregated schools (1849) was later reflected in the "separate but equal" doctrine propounded by the Supreme Court of the United States in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), though it also led Massachusetts to pass the only 19th-century American desegregation law. His daughter married Herman Melville.

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American jurist
born Jan. 9, 1781, Barnstable, Mass., U.S.
died March 30, 1861, Boston

      chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (183060), who left an indelible mark on the law of that state and significantly contributed to the structure of American law.

      Shaw was educated at Harvard, studied law privately, was admitted to the bar in 1804 in New Hampshire, and entered private practice. Extremely successful, he became prominent in the public life of the state. He drafted the first municipal charter for Boston in 1822 virtually without precedents to guide him and in 1830 accepted appointment as chief justice of Massachusetts. His decisions on that bench were formative in the development of both Massachusetts and national jurisprudence. He is particularly remembered for two opinions. In Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842), his ruling in favour of a striking labour union provided the first major precedent for removing labour unions from the province of the law of conspiracy. In Roberts v. City of Boston (1849), his ruling upholding the city's segregated schools was later reflected in the U.S. Supreme Court'sseparate but equaldoctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), but its more immediate effect was to stimulate the passage in Massachusetts of the only 19th-century American desegregation law.

      Judge Shaw was a fellow and an overseer of Harvard, and he was the father-in-law and major financial supporter of novelist Herman Melville (Melville, Herman).

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