Schmidt, Helmut

Schmidt, Helmut
born Dec. 23, 1918, Hamburg, Ger.

German politician, chancellor of West Germany (197482).

A member of the Social Democratic Party, he served in the Bundestag (195361, 196587). He was minister of defense (196972) and minister of finance (197274) before succeeding Willy Brandt as chancellor in 1974. A popular and capable chancellor, he continued the policy of Ostpolitik while maintaining West Germany's key position in NATO and the European Community. His refusal to cut West Germany's social welfare programs prompted the centrist Free Democrats to defect from his governing coalition. Losing his majority in the Bundestag, Schmidt resigned the chancellorship after a vote of no confidence in the Bundestag in October 1982. He was succeeded as chancellor by Helmut Kohl. Schmidt has written numerous books on German politics and international relations.

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chancellor of West Germany
born Dec. 23, 1918, Hamburg, Ger.
 Social Democratic politician and publisher of the influential weekly Die Zeit who was chancellor of West Germany from 1974 to 1982.

      The son of a half-Jewish teacher, Schmidt served in the Wehrmacht (German Army) during World War II, serving in an armoured division on the Eastern Front and later in the Ardennes offensive and earning an Iron Cross. After the war he joined the Social Democratic Party, studied economics at the University of Hamburg, and then served in the economics and transport sector of the Hamburg municipal government (194953). He was elected to the Bundestag (195361), returned to service in Hamburg (196165), and was reelected to the Bundestag from 1965 on. Schmidt became a vice-chairman of the Social Democratic Party (Social Democratic Party of Germany) in 1968 and served as minister of defense (196972) and minister of finance (197274) in the government of Chancellor Willy Brandt.

      As a leading member of the Social Democratic Party, which held power through its alliance with the liberal Free Democratic Party, Schmidt was elected to the chancellorship of West Germany on May 16, 1974, following the resignation of Willy Brandt. Schmidt proved to be a capable and popular chancellor and was reelected in 1976 and 1980. During the worldwide recession of the early 1980s, however, his refusal to cut West Germany's social-welfare programs prompted the centrist Free Democrats to defect from his governing coalition. Having lost his voting majority in the Bundestag, Schmidt resigned the chancellorship upon a vote of no confidence in the Bundestag on Oct. 1, 1982. His successor was Helmut Kohl of the Christian Democratic Union. Schmidt continued to serve as a member of the Bundestag until his retirement from politics in 1987. He was the author of numerous books on German political affairs and European international relations.

      During his chancellorship, Schmidt won the esteem of many West Germans and became one of the most respected and influential of Western Europe's leaders. In foreign affairs he sought reconciliation with the Soviet-bloc countries of eastern Europe while at the same time maintaining West Germany's partnership with the United States. He similarly cultivated closer ties with the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) while maintaining West Germany's pivotal membership in the European Community and NATO military alliance.

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