Schleicher, Kurt von

Schleicher, Kurt von
born April 7, 1882, Brandenburg, Ger.
died June 30, 1934, Berlin

German army officer and last chancellor of the Weimar Republic.

A career army officer, he rose to major general by 1929 and became a key figure in the Weimar Republic. His political intrigues helped secure for him the posts of defense minister (1932) and chancellor (193233). Seeking to keep the Nazis under the army's control, he offered to participate in a government with Adolf Hitler, but Hitler refused him and thereafter regarded Schleicher as his chief enemy. Dismissed by Paul von Hindenburg in favour of Hitler, Schleicher was murdered during the Night of the Long Knives.

Kurt von Schleicher, 1932

Archiv fur Kunst und Geschichte, Berlin

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German army officer

born April 7, 1882, Brandenburg, Ger.
died June 30, 1934, Berlin
 German army officer, last chancellor of the Weimar Republic, an opponent of Adolf Hitler in 193233.

      Joining the German military in 1900, Schleicher attached himself to the newly created Reichswehr in 1919 and by 1929 was a major general in charge of an office in the Reichswehr ministry. For the next three years, Schleicherwith Wilhelm Groener, minister of defense, Chancellor Heinrich Brüning (Brüning, Heinrich), and Pres. Paul von Hindenburg (Hindenburg, Paul von)—was one of the determining forces in the Weimar Republic. Schleicher came into sharp conflict with Brüning and Hindenburg; his intrigues contributed to Brüning's downfall (May 1932) and helped bring about the appointment of Franz von Papen as chancellor in June 1932. Schleicher was appointed defense minister, and when Papen was forced to resign (Dec. 1, 1932), Schleicher became chancellor as well. He sought to prevent Nazi violation of the laws and constitution by keeping the Nazis under Reichswehr control. To this end, he intrigued with Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf), offering to participate in a government with Hitler as chancellor provided that he, Schleicher, remained in charge of the Reichswehr. Hitler refused. From that time on, he regarded Schleicher as his chief enemy. In January 1933 Hindenburg dismissed Schleicher and made Hitler chancellor. A year and a half later, on thenight of the long knives,” Schleicher was murdered by Hitler's SS (Schutzstaffel) in his Berlin flat.

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