Schlegel, August Wilhelm von

Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
born Sept. 8, 1767, Hannover, Hanover
died May 12, 1845, Bonn

German scholar and critic.

He worked as a tutor and wrote for Friedrich Schiller's short-lived periodical Die Horen before cofounding with his brother Friedrich von Schlegel the periodical Athenäum (17981800), which became the organ of German Romanticism. While a professor at the University of Jena, he undertook translations of the works of William Shakespeare (17971810) that became standard editions and are among the finest of all German literary translations. His Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature (180911) was widely translated and helped spread fundamental Romantic ideas throughout Europe. From 1818 until his death he taught at the University of Bonn.

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German scholar and critic
born Sept. 8, 1767, Hannover, Hanover [Germany]
died May 12, 1845, Bonn [Germany]

      German scholar and critic, one of the most influential disseminators of the ideas of the German Romantic movement, and the finest German translator of William Shakespeare. He was also an Orientalist and a poet.

      Schlegel was a son of a Protestant pastor and a nephew of the author Johann Elias Schlegel (Schlegel, Johann Elias). He attended school in Hannover and in 1787 began his studies at the University of Göttingen, where he studied classical philology and aesthetics. In 1791 he took a post as a private tutor in Amsterdam, but he moved to Jena in 1796 to write for Friedrich Schiller (Schiller, Friedrich von)'s short-lived periodical Die Horen. Thereafter, Schlegelwith his brother Friedrich Schlegel (Schlegel, Friedrich von)—started the periodical Athenäum (17981800), which became the organ of German Romanticism, numbering Friedrich Schleiermacher (Schleiermacher, Friedrich) and Novalis among its contributors.

      In 1798 Schlegel became a professor at the University of Jena, where he began his long-planned translation of the works of Shakespeare (17971810). He himself translated 17 plays; the remaining works were translated by Ludwig Tieck (Tieck, Ludwig)'s daughter Dorothea and by Wolf Heinrich von Baudissin (Baudissin, Wolf Heinrich, Graf von) under Tieck's supervision (182533). Schlegel's translations of Shakespeare became the standard German translation of that author and are among the finest of all German literary translations. Schlegel's incomplete translations of five plays by Calderón de la Barca (Spanisches Theater, 2 vol., 180309) likewise show his gift for carrying the spirit of foreign literary works over into German, as do his selected translations of Petrarch, Dante, Giovanni Boccaccio, Miguel de Cervantes, Torquato Tasso, and Luís de Camões in Blumensträusse italiänischer, spanischer, und portugiesischer Poesie (1804; “Bouquets of Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Poetry”).

      In 1796 Schlegel married the brilliant Caroline Michaelis, but in 1803 she left him for the philosopher Friedrich W.J. Schelling (Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von). In 1801 Schlegel went to Berlin, where he lectured on literature and art. In his lectures, he comprehensively surveyed the history of European literature and thought, casting scorn on Greco-Roman classicism and the Enlightenment and instead exalting the timeless spirituality of the Middle Ages. These lectures were later published as Vorlesungen über schöne Literatur und Kunst (1884; “Lectures on Fine Art and Literature”). After his divorce from Michaelis, Schlegel accompanied Mme de Staël (Staël, Germaine de) on travels in Germany, Italy, France, and Sweden, where he served in 181314 as press secretary to the crown prince Bernadotte. The series of important lectures Schlegel gave while in Vienna in 1808, published as Über dramatische Kunst und Literatur (180911; Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature), attack French Neoclassical theatre, praise Shakespeare, and exalt Romantic drama. These lectures were translated into many languages and helped spread fundamental Romantic ideas throughout Europe.

      In 1818 Schlegel went to the University of Bonn, where he remained the rest of his life as professor of literature. There he published the scholarly journal Indische Bibliothek, 3 vol. (182030), and set up a Sanskrit printing press, with which he printed editions of the Bhagavadgītā (1823) and Rāmāyana (1829). He founded Sanskrit studies in Germany.

      Critics of Schlegel's poetry (Gedichte, 1800; Ion, a tragedy based on Euripides, 1803; Poetische Werke, 1811) concede that it shows mastery of form but that it amounts to only cultivated verse. As a critic of poetry he has been described as more empirical and systematic and less speculative than his brother Friedrich. Schlegel's view of world literature as an organic whole influenced Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His collected works were edited by E. Böcking and published in 12 volumes in 184647; his letters were edited by J. Körner and published in 1930.

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