
In Baltic mythology, the sun goddess who determines the well-being and regeneration of all life on earth.

She is said to ride each day through the sky on a chariot with copper wheels, drawn by horses that never tire or sweat. Toward evening, she washes the horses in the sea before retreating into her castle at the end of the sea. The major event in her honour was the midsummer Ligo feast, during which great fires were lit on hills to ward off evil spirits.

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Baltic deity
      in Baltic religion and mythology, the sun goddess (sun worship), who determines the well-being and regeneration of all life on earth.

      According to Baltic myth, Saule, the sun, rides each day through the sky on a chariot with copper wheels, drawn by horses who neither tire nor rest nor sweat. Toward evening Saule washes the horses in the sea, sitting on top of a hill, holding the golden reins in her hand. Then she goes beyond the silver gates into her castle at the end of the sea. The red ball of the setting sun, one aspect of Saule, is portrayed in Baltic art as a ring, a falling red apple, or a crown. As the full light of the sun, she is also represented by a daisy, a wheel, or a rosette.

      One myth says that Saule's daughters were courted by the moon god, Mēness. Another myth, found in both Lithuanian and Latvian traditions, tells that Mēness married the sun goddess, but he proved to be as changeable as the moon and soon began to court the goddess of the dawn, the morning star. Pērkons (Lithuanian: Perkūnas), the Thunderer, cut the moon god to pieces for this slight to Saule.

      Because of her association with growth and fertility, Saule was remembered in prayers by the farmers at both sunrise and sunset. The major event in her honour was the Līgo feast, a midsummer festival celebrated on June 23 (now St. John's Eve). On that day, the sun, wreathed in a garland of red flowers, was said to observe the summer solstice by dancing on a silver hill while wearing silver shoes. Great fires were lit on the hills to ward off evil spirits who might threaten health and fertility. Young people, wearing wreaths of flowers, danced and sang Līgo songs and leaped over the fires.

      A harmless green snake, žaltys, was a special favourite of Saule's; it was considered good luck to have a žaltys in the houseand bad luck to kill one.

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