Santayana, George

Santayana, George
orig. Jorge Augustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santillana

born Dec. 16, 1863, Madrid, Spain
died Sept. 26, 1952, Rome, Italy

Spanish-born U.S. philosopher, poet, and humanist.

Santayana moved to the U.S. as a boy in 1872. After graduating from Harvard, he taught philosophy there (with William James and Josiah Royce) from 1889 to 1912, and he began producing important contributions to aesthetics, speculative philosophy, and literary criticism, including The Sense of Beauty (1896), Interpretations of Poetry and Religion (1900), and The Life of Reason (190506). He returned to Europe in 1912. Scepticism and Animal Faith (1923) best conveys his theory of immediately apprehended essences and describes the role played by "animal faith" in various forms of knowledge. He also wrote a novel, The Last Puritan (1935), and an autobiography, Persons and Places, 3 vol. (194453).

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Spanish philosopher
original name  Jorge Augustín Nicolás Ruiz De Santayana 
born December 16, 1863, Madrid, Spain
died September 26, 1952, Rome, Italy
 Spanish-American philosopher, poet, and humanist who made important contributions to aesthetics, speculative philosophy, and literary criticism. From 1912 he resided in Europe, chiefly in France and Italy.

Early life and career
      George Santayana was born in Madrid of Spanish parents. He never relinquished his Spanish citizenship, and, although he was to write in English with subtlety and poise, he did not begin to learn that language until taken to join his mother in Boston in 1872. Santayana was to reside in New England for most of the ensuing 40 years. He went through the Boston Latin School and Harvard College, graduating summa cum laude in 1886. He then spent two years studying philosophy at the University of Berlin before returning to Harvard to complete his doctoral thesis under the pragmatist William James (James, William). He joined the faculty of philosophy in 1889, forming with James and the idealist Josiah Royce a brilliant triumvirate of philosophers. Yet his attachment to Europe was strong. He spent his summers in Spain with his father, visited England, and spent his sabbatical leaves abroad: at the University of Cambridge, in Italy and the East, and at the Sorbonne.

      At Harvard he began to write. The Sense of Beauty (1896) was an important contribution to aesthetics. The essay, which is concerned with the nature and elements of aesthetic feelings, holds that to judge that anything is beautiful isvirtually to establish an idealand that to understand why something is thought to be beautiful enables one to distinguish transitory ideals from those that, springing from more fundamental feelings, arecomparatively permanent and universal.” The vital affinity between aesthetic faculties and moral faculties is illustrated in Santayana's next book, Interpretations of Poetry and Religion (1900), particularly in the discussion of the poetry of Robert Browning, which is a model of its kind.

      The Life of Reason (190506) was a major theoretical work consisting of five volumes. Conceived in his student days after a reading of G.W.F. Hegel (Hegelianism)'s Phenomenology of Mind, it was described by Santayana asa presumptive biography of the human intellect.” The life of reason, for Santayana as for Hegel, is not restricted to purely intellectual activities, for reason in all of its manifestations is a union of impulse and ideation. It is instinct become reflective and enlightened. The theory is given practical illustration in a series of essays, gathered into two volumes: Three Philosophical Poets: Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe (1910); and Winds of Doctrine (1913), in which the poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley and the philosophies of Henri Bergson, a French evolutionary philosopher, and of Bertrand Russell are trenchantly discussed.

Return to Europe
      Santayana was appointed a full Harvard professor in 1907. In 1912, however, while he was in Europe, his mother died, and he sent in his resignation from there. He never returned to America, although several attractive offers were made by Harvard in an attempt to draw him back.

      Santayana's resignation astonished his colleagues, for it came at the height of his career. All of his books were admired and influential, and there seemed to be an intimate connection between them and his teaching. Clearly, he was a gifted teacher: interested in his students, devoid of pedantry, and with a superb capacity for analyzing philosophies and related poetry with lucid sympathy while judging them by standards that remained rational and humane. His resignation, nevertheless, can be seen as inevitable: he disliked the academic straitjacket; he wished to devote himself exclusively to his writing; and he was ill at ease in America. His Latin heritage and allegiance gave to his thinking a striking range and perspective, but the net result was to make him wantto say plausibly in English as many un-English things as possible.” From the strain of doing this, he was thankful to escape.

      When World War I began, Santayana was in Oxford, and he settled there for the duration. Though he enjoyed the friendship of several eminent people, the war saddened him, and he led a secluded life. Egotism in German Philosophy appeared in 1916, making clear his strong allegiance to the Allied cause; he also wrote a number of popular essays centring on the English character and countryside. At the end of the war he was offered a life membership in Corpus Christi College, Oxford, but he declined.

Santayana's system of philosophy
      In 1924 he settled permanently in Rome. The atmosphere was congenial to a native-born Roman Catholic who, though evolving into a philosophical materialist for whom the world of spirit was wholly ideal and nonexistent, had always admired the Catholic and classical traditions. Three new books consolidated his reputation as a humanist critic and man of letters, and this side was brought to perfect expression in a novel, The Last Puritan (1935).

      The bulk of his energies in the interwar years, however, went into speculative philosophy (metaphysics). Scepticism and Animal Faith (1923) marks an important departure from his earlier philosophy and serves asa critical introductionto and résumé of his new system developed in the four-volume Realms of Being (1928, 1930, 1937, 1940), an ontological (ontology) (nature of being) treatise of great concentration and finish. In these later works Santayana enhanced his stature as a philosopher by achieving greater theoretical precision, depth, and coherence. Scepticism and Animal Faith conveys better than any other volume the essential import of his philosophy. It formulates his theory of immediately apprehended essences and describes the role played byanimal faithin various forms of knowledge (epistemology).

      In Realms of Being extraordinarily complex problems are elucidated with luminous succinctness: Santayana makes his way with athletic ease through forests in which ontological philosophers like Edmund Husserl or Existentialist ones like Jean-Paul Sartre flounder self-indulgently. “The realm of essence,” in Santayana's system, is that of the mind's certain and indubitable knowledge. Essences are universals that have being or reality but do not exist. They include colours, tastes, and odours as well as the ideal objects of thought and imagination. “The realm of matteris the world of natural objects; belief in it restsas does all belief concerning existenceon animal faith. naturalism, the dominant theme of his entire philosophy, appears in his insistence that matter is prior to the other realms.

      Such a philosophy enabled Santayana to accept imperturbably another onset of war. He took rooms in a Catholic nursing home and began a three-volume autobiography, Persons and Places (1944, 1945, 1953). When Rome was liberated in 1944, the 80-year-old author found himself visited by anavalancheof American admirers. By now he was immersed in Dominations and Powers (1951), an analysis of man in society; and then with heroic tenacityfor he was nearly deaf and half blindhe gave himself to translating Lorenzo de' Medici's love poem, “Ambra,” during which he was overtaken by his last illness. He died in September 1952, a few months before his 89th birthday, and was buried, as he had wished, in the Catholic cemetery of Rome in a plot reserved for Spanish nationals.

Norman V. Henfrey

Additional Reading
George W. Howgate, George Santayana (1938, reissued 1971); and Daniel Cory, Santayana: The Later Years (1963), together provide a detailed biographical portrait that may be supplemented by the more recent works by John McCormick, George Santayana (1987); and John Lachs, George Santayana (1988). Of special interest among book-length studies of his moral philosophy are Willard E. Arnett, Santayana and the Sense of Beauty (1955, reissued 1969); Milton Karl Munitz, The Moral Philosophy of Santayana (1939, reissued 1972); Timothy L.S. Sprigge, Santayana (1974); and Anthony Woodward, Living in the Eternal: A Study of George Santayana (1988). Paul Arthur Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of George Santayana, 2nd ed. (1951, reprinted 1971), brings together some of the shorter critiques of Santayana's philosophy.

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