Saimaa, Lake

Saimaa, Lake
Lake, southeastern Finland.

Located northeast of Helsinki, Lake Saimaa has an area of 443 sq mi (1,147 sq km) and is the primary lake in the Great Saimaa lake system, the largest in Finland. About 120 lakes and numerous rivers and streams in the system drain most of southeastern Finland through Lake Saimaa, the Vuoksi River, and the Saimaa Canal to the Gulf of Finland. The lake system provides essential transportation links and hydroelectric power among the major towns of the region, and its scenic forests attract many tourists.

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 lake in southeastern Finland. It lies just northwest of the Russian border and is northeast of Helsinki. It has an area of 443 sq mi (1,147 sq km) and is the primary lake in the Great Saimaa lake system, which, at 1,690 sq mi (4,377 sq km), is the largest system in Finland. The lake's two branches extend northward about 220 mi (350 km) from Lappeenranta on Lake Saimaa proper to Iisalmi on its western branch and Nurmes on its eastern branch. About 120 lakes and numerous rivers and streams in the system drain most of southeastern Finland through Lake Saimaa, the Vuoksi River, and the Saimaa Canal (built in 1856) to the Gulf of Finland. Lumbering and pulp and paper manufacturing are the basis of the regional economy. The lake system provides essential transportation links among the major towns of the region. Large hydroelectric-power stations are located in the southern part of the lake system, especially at Imatra. The region's scenic mosaic of water, hills, and forests attracts many tourists.

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