Rude, François

Rude, François
born Jan. 4, 1784, Dijon, Fr.
died Nov. 3, 1855, Paris

French sculptor.

He won the Prix de Rome in 1812 but was prevented from going to Rome by the Napoleonic Wars. His early work was in the Neoclassical tradition, but he was uncomfortable within its restrictions and soon adopted a dynamic, emotional style that might be called Romantic-Realist. An ardent Bonapartist, he is best known for Departure of the Volunteers of 1792 (183336) on the Arc de Triomphe; popularly called La Marseillaise, it catches the martial spirit of the Napoleonic era.

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French sculptor

born Jan. 4, 1784, Dijon, France
died Nov. 3, 1855, Paris
 French sculptor, best known for his social art (art that inspires and captures the interest of a broad public), including public monuments such as the Departure of the Volunteers of 1792 (183336), popularly called La Marseillaise. Rude rejected the classical repose of late 18th- and early 19th-century French sculpture in favour of a dynamic, emotional style and created many monuments that stirred the public for generations.

 After the death of his father, whom he had assisted in his metalworking shop, Rude went to Paris determined to perfect himself in the art of sculpture. He won the Prix de Rome in 1812 but could not go to Rome because of the Napoleonic Wars. The attention of the public was first attracted to Rude by Mercury Attaching His Winged Sandals (1828), a work that strictly conformed to the rules of the Neoclassical school of French sculpture. He moved quickly into other modes that reconciled the traditional demand for the simple, clearly understood figure with a modern expressive language. In his Young Neapolitan Fisherboy Playing with a Tortoise (1831), the informal pose and the smile both break with the traditional treatment of heroic subjects in high sculpture. In the statue of Marshal Ney in the Place de l'Observatoire in Paris, the hand with the sword raised above the head and the open mouth again violated Neoclassic principles. The group of volunteers (for the Revolutionary campaign of 1792) on the Arc de Triomphe, although classical in detail, is romantic and impetuous in feeling.

      Many critics have felt that Rude's liberal passions were more powerful than his aesthetic judgment, causing his memorial Bonaparte Awakening to Immortality (1847) at Fixin near Dijon to be a grandiloquent failure, though others have admired its subtle poetry. Toward the end of his life, Rude returned to his early, classical style but achieved little that captured France again under this process of rethinking sculpture.

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