Rosa, Salvator

Rosa, Salvator
born June 20, 1615, Arenella, Sicily, Spanish Habsburg
died March 15, 1673, Rome, Papal States

Italian painter and etcher.

He studied in Naples, where he came under the influence of José de Ribera, but most of his career was spent in Rome, with an interlude in Florence under the patronage of a Medici cardinal. His landscapes, marine paintings, and battle scenes are known for their picturesquely wild, romantic qualities. A flamboyant personality, he was also an accomplished poet, satirist, actor, and musician.

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Italian painter
born June 20, 1615, Arenella, Sicily, Spanish Habsburg domain [now in Italy]
died March 15, 1673, Rome, Papal States [Italy]

      Italian Baroque painter and etcher of the Neapolitan school remembered for his wildly romantic orsublimelandscapes, marine paintings, and battle pictures. He was also an accomplished poet, satirist, actor, and musician.

      Rosa studied painting in Naples, coming under the influence of the Spanish painter and engraver José de Ribera (Ribera, José de). Rosa went to Rome in 1635 to study, but he soon contracted malaria. He returned to Naples, where he painted numerous battle and marine pictures and developed his peculiar style of landscapepicturesquely wild scenes of nature with shepherds, seamen, soldiers, or banditsthe whole infused with a romantic poetic quality.

      His reputation as a painter preceded his return to Rome in 1639. Already famous as an artist, he also became a popular comic actor. During the Carnival of 1639 he rashly satirized the famous architect and sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Bernini, Gian Lorenzo), thereby making a powerful enemy. For some years thereafter the environment of Florence was more comfortable for him than that of Rome. In Florence he enjoyed the patronage of Cardinal Giovanni Carlo de' Medici. Rosa's own house became the centre of a literary, musical, and artistic circle called the Accademia dei Percossi; here also Rosa's flamboyant personality found expression in acting. In 1649 he returned and finally settled in Rome. Rosa, who had regarded his landscapes more as recreation than as serious art, now turned largely to religious and historical painting. In 1660 he began etching and completed a number of successful prints. His satires were posthumously published in 1710.

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